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The queen of Navratri

October 6, 2008
"Dandiya has actually been scaled down some," Chetan points out. "Until 4-5 years ago, the police allowed the celebration to go on until 1:30 am. But now they shut it down by 10:30 pm. We were too noisy!" he shouts over the music, laughing. "Still, every year it is still a big success, despite the restrictions. People come to Prathamesh Dandiya because the venue is good, the costumes are authentic and dancing is very nice. But, if you want to hear the greatest Navratri singer, you must go hear Falguni Phatak! Her voice, my God, her voice!"

From Gujarat to Mumbai and even to New Jersey, Falguni Pathak is the queen of Navratri. As a singer, she's so dominant a figure that the name 'Falguni' itself has become synonymous with the Navratri festival.

  • Navratri tunes on your mobile!

    This year, Falguni's performing at Mumbai's Bhavan College in Andheri, a venue designed to comfortably hold 10,000. A full quarter kilometre from the venue, droves of people move en masse towards the ever increasing beat of Punjabi drums. Happy young couples waltz by arm-in-arm, wearing formal clothes and made-up tiny youngsters struggle not to drag their lovely costumes through the dusty streets.

    Given the recent spate of serial bombings across India and Falguni's enormous popularity, security for her events has been considerably beefed up: the makeshift entrance is patrolled by dozens of officers and hired security personnel and there are three or four additional security checks, a bag search, metal detectors and a few sinister looking German Shepherds. According to police on hand, the security is so tight that the real concerns are petty thefts and fighting, not blasts.

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