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Keep fit with a Stability Ball!

January 29, 2007
As part of your year-long fitness regime, you need to purchase a stability ball of a size appropriate to your height -- a salesman at any sports shop should be able to guide you.

The ball challenges your body owing to its instability, recruiting your abdominals and back to work much harder, even while you are working on other muscles.

Push Ups

This routine works your chest, the front of the shoulders and triceps (back of the upper arm), back and abdominals.

Kneel with the ball in front of you. Lean over the ball, place your hands on the floor and slowly begin to walk forward on your hands, as your knees lift off the floor and then the feet. Roll out till your thighs/ knees are on the ball. Place your hands wide apart, fingers pointing outward. Slowly lower your chest towards the floor, bending your elbows. Squeeze your chest and push your body up again without locking your elbows.

Complete the move in 4 seconds. Do 12 reps, rest and repeat.

Text: Brinda Sapat
Illustrations: Uttam Ghosh
Also read: What should you eat before a workout?

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