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Spectacular performances

August 19, 2008
Pankil Shah, an intermediate dancer from Mumbai, said the 'Lifts and Tricks' workshop helped him iron out some issues he was having with more advanced aerial tricks.

"Sneha and Richard did an amazing job," he said. "When they first showed us the steps, I was worried, because it looked difficult. But now I feel very comfortable (with the aerial manoeuvres), and will definitely try out some of the tricks next time I hit the floor."

If the workshops were informative and instructive, the performances were spectacular. The last two nights, dance troupes from India and abroad dacnced onstage for a packed house. Juan Matos and Candy Mena stole the show with their perfect precision and technically difficult routine.

Afterwards, when stepping off-stage, Candy, in her excitement, turned to Juan and exclaimed, "Wow! There is a lot of energy out there tonight. These people love their salsa!

In this photograph: Two dancers perform during the final night's grand finale

Also see: Choreography is anything but typical!
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