Projecting your work correctly is a skill in itself.
You may feel you are showing off but do remember that, today, you cannot afford to wait for others to recognise your skills.
The competition is intense. Therefore, take the lead and get ready to showcase your achievements.
i. Be genuine and honest when listing your achievements.
ii. Do not sound like the final authority while discussing them at the meeting.
iii. Be humble; at the same time, do not be shy or inhibited about speaking up.
iv. Have your facts and figures updated; have them ready on your finger tips.
v. Remain alert, cordial and communicative. Be assertive if the need arises.
vi. Give credit to others if they have contributed to your work. Very few people understand the importance of doing this.
vii. Do not be judgemental or make loose statements. For instance, you could ruin your moment of glory by bad-mouthing a colleague.
viii. If you are the kind to take initiatives, project this in the meeting. If not, maybe it's about time you started, at least for problems that can be solved at your level.
ix. Project your work periodically, by either talking to others about it or discussing it with your boss. Make it a point to list your achievements for future reference.