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Simran campaigns for Amma

At 9.30, Sharat Babu, the 'school master' threatened to end the meeting if the 'indisciplined' ones in the crowd did not obey him. He ordered the police and the party men to make them sit so that "the thousands at the back could see what is going on, on the dais".

"Only half an hour to go before we end the meeting but if you don't behave, we will wind up. You will not hear your favourite star speak," saying that he then turned to Simran and said, "They will not listen unless you tell them this. Just two minutes. We will start then."

The party men managed to pin down the over excited and over enthusiastic young men of Tondiarpet and the meeting started once again.

They kept a mike at the centre of the stage so that all could see Simran well. As an afterthought, a stool was brought for her to stand on. Simran stood really tall on it, and first made the victory sign which is also the symbol of Iratta Ilai. The crowd went berserk making the sign back at her and shouting and screaming.

Also See: Pollscape: rediff's election blog

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