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March 05, 2001

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 India Australia Tour

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Your Say:Another laughable and shocking decision from our government.But then who would expect better?I read somewhere in this site that insiders say it is a "punishment" for the BCCI..well all I can say is that wouldn't it be better punishment to chuck out the likes of Lele and Borde than stopping India from playing on "non-regular" venues?The other logic being advanced is also laughable that being of match fixing.Ultimately if the players are honest whats to worry the government?And its not as if match-fixing cannot or does not take place in "regular" venues.If people want to be crooked they will always find ways to be crooked.Some other reader "pundits" seem to be the opinion that this would make us better Test players.Higly debatable issue.Are we playing tests during the time we would have been playing in Sharjah?No.So what will be the cricketers doing in the meantime.The famous ones will be doing endorsements and other "off-season" activities and the not-so-famous ones will be grinding domestic bowling attacks on flat pitches.There is no substitute for international competition.Yes even one-day matches give competition regardless of whether they be played at Sharjah or at places like Indore(which to me would count as a much more "non-regular" venue than Sharjah considering the quality of the outfield and ground.) In conclusion this is another shocker from the government.But isnt that expected when you put the charge of running sports to people who have no background in sports?If the decision to not to play against Pakistan was a bad one(a throw back to cold war style boycotts) this one is even worse.

Your Say:good decision, gives the players a bit of a break adn allows them to train for the real test, the test series in with zim, sl, eng and sa. besides the tours only milk money for the board

Your Say:The BCCI has no backbone to take this kind of a decision. Good thing the Govt stepped in. I have been to a cricket match in Toronto. If they play that series to globalize the game, it is utter nonsense. You do not find a single spectator from CANADA to watch the game. Everybody is from Indian/Pakistani origin. I do not understand the policy of BCCI about the Globalization of the game and why India is the only torch bearer for this cause ? Kudos GOI. You put a stop to this madness. Can you believe they were planning on having matches in Sharjha for raising money for the Earth Quake victims ? I feel Dalmiya is rogue and there should be a systematic way to reduce his hold on BCCI. Then only we see improvement in the quality of BCCI administration which intern improves the quality of the game in India.

Name:Arun Chawla
Your Say:The only sad thing is that the decision is only for three years. I hope it stays for much longer.

Name:sunil chintakindi
Your Say:I completely support GoI's decision because of the sheer tag "Indian Team" that goes with this team . I think it dilutes the spirit with which team plays. It is not prudent to attend matches at vague venues and then regret the results ( after all, its the National team !!) Sunil

Name:sharath ram
Your Say:i feel its a good decision on the part of the GoI not to send the Indian team to non regular venues.The BCCI in agreeing to send the team to these meaningless tournaments only imposed an additional burden on the players and exposed them to serious injuries.lets hope the BCCI sends the team only for important tours

Your Say:i think it is foolish on the part of indian government to ban matches with pakistan. i think sports should be above politics. does pakistan stop terroism if india is not playing with them.i think government should take steps to find the peace in the valley. i still doubt whether the government will last that long to make decisions of that type. the more cricket is good for younsters get opprotunity for next world cup. anyway indian cricket is going to suffer by this stupid decision. u can not win the pakis by not playing them ,u have to play them with is not war.the day we think there is no cricket.

Name:madhar bhagat
Your Say:gand marane ko bol saalon ko

Name:Rajesh K
Your Say:Makes a lot of sense .. in not playing in 'non-regular' venues. Sharjah is one HELL of a place what with film-stars and gangsters strutting their stuff out in the open .. having fun. What do the players get .. lots of temptations, a flat pitch for perfect 'tamasha-cricket', shopping, heckling. That's not experience they are gaining, for the tours that really matter! As for globalizing cricket, there are tons of other ways .. not a 5 match series in Toronto with pakistan -- what portion of the spectators were Canadians, 1%? How is the game globalized here? Let's give our cricketers a chance to prove that they are the best by limiting the total matches they play esp. the 1 day variety and let's savour those results. 18 out of 20 QUALITY matches won in a year is better than 40 out of 50. Also, spare a thought for the physical limitations of the human body .. it can only take so much abuse .. r'ber Srinath, Kumble ..

Name:Rajesh John
Your Say:For ones, and for the first time I agree with India government's decision. This is definitely a blessing in disguise and hope BCCI will use this opportunity to build a strong India cricket for the future.

Your Say:The best decision that the Indian government has made in a long time. The Indian cricket team has played so many one day matches in the last few years that nobody really cares after sometime if we win or loose. The ony one day cricket we should play are the ones with consequence llike the world cup, ICC cup etc. We have to play a lot more test matches. preferably as many as the Aussies play.

Name:Ashwin Rao
Your Say:I fully agree with the govt. decision to not play at non-regular venues. Although I do not think not playing Pakistan will solve the vexed Kashmir issue.

Name:Abhay Aher
Your Say:Perfect and very wise decision from Indian Govt.

Name:Anubhav Sharma Your Say:BIG NO !!!!!

Name:Atul Shah
Your Say: KUDOS !! to the INDIAN Govt. BEST THING ever happened to INDIAN Cricket..we aren't burning our resources at these stupid venues.

Name:Manvinder kohli
Your Say:What i fail to understand is the continued hypocrisy of the board and the media. so first the board allows the govt. to get into the match fixing shindig. then they cry foul when the govt decides where the team should not play because of the presence of individuals encouraging match fixing. the media goes one step ahead. a few months ago when we were beaten at home by SA everyone was of the opinion that we were playing too many one days. this was also the reason attributed to our poor showing away from home. people like tony greig and the like, criticize the dilution of the test matches because of the terrible one day format, in one session, and then comes back and say its absolutely ridiculuos for india not to play in sharjah. another digression, since i'm on this topic, what were the commentators complaining about the schedule for the australians here. as far as i remember when we were down under, we played a similar schedule, and many more one day games. and there seems to be no reason to complain about the heat for the ozzies. melbourne, during the aus open goes upto 40 C and has high humidity too. anyway getting back to the topic, sharjah has a good stadium and facilities and the contests have been intriguing to say the least. but till sharjah has been cleared of the match fixing controversy, there should be a conscious effort to relay a message to the various involved parties to eradicate this problem. thats all the govt needs to say really. that we are not goingto play in any venue which does not have a comprehensive shakedown and removal of conditions present that promote briberies. thats all.

Name:Sanjay V
Your Say:Absolutely CORRECT. The Government has made a very sensible decision. It is high time the MONEY, MONEY & MORE MONEY attitude of the BCCI was broken. Cricket is a team game but made up of 11 individuals who have to combine together. We have never allowed our team to settle down & develop into a fighting unit. The other great service to the game the government could possibly do is to throughly investigate the role of JAGMOHAN DALMIYA. His actions clearly show that he is into cricket administration to further his own cause. He should probably be hanged for treason as he was trying to Jeopardise the teams preparations for meeting the Aussie challenge by organising the Earthquake Relief Series in Sharjah prior to the Aussies arriving. If he is a true administrator and with the clout that he carries within the BCCI he could have easily got the BCCI and the state associations to cough up more money for relief by setting aside proceeds from the current Aussie Series being played in India, rather than going about organizing a Silly series in Sharjah.

Name:Good Job, GOI
Your Say:I totally agree with the Government's decision. Playing in those pajama matches does no good for the Indian players. They start thinking that playing for India is playing for fun. They should be made to understand the worth of winning the Indian cap. And if the world really needs the globalizaiotn of cricket, play some pajama matches which are unofficial. Don't have the teams named 'India' and 'Australia'...instead have something like Wills Tigers or Fosters Warriors. That notion will make the cricket more fun, so that the 'non regular' cricket venues see how cricket can be really enjoyable, and at the same time, players know that it is for fun. The quality of cricket has deteriorated because the youngsters in the team are getting a lot of money for playing at non regular venues. Consequently, they are not realizing the worth of playing for a country. This naturally leads to greed and the reasoning that match fixing could increase because of this greed. Good job, Govt of India! Keep it up, and show the world the way!

Your Say:I definitely agree with the goverment's decision. Moreover isn't it every test nations responsibility that cricket is spread to all corners of the globe, so why does India have to play at every venue. If others countries are so worried about spreading cricket, let them send their teams. Moreover I personally think that the number of ODI is slowly but surely eroding the interest in cricket. Well if someone says the total revenue is more than ever, and cricket is more popular my answer is well, we have more revenue than any other time,one because our population is a billion people even 10% of people interested in it more than the whole population of England and moreover the tickets today are priced way more than they ever were. So, as far as all those games are concerned, good riddance.

Name:Fiza Afridi
Your Say:"Government has decided, after careful consideration, that the Indian cricket team should not participate in cricket tournaments at non-regular venues such as Sharjah, Singapore, Toronto etc, for at least three years," an official release said in New Delhi on Sunday. ............... I was wondering , for what reason the team should't participate ??? Will the official give the reason latter ???

Your Say:I feel that atlast government has taken some good decisions to clean up the mess that is there in Indian cricket. I personally donot feel that India should go to Sharjah because of the presence of so much Underworld (which again plays into anti_indian hands) Cricket has a greater market in India than any where else. It just few corrupt people who feel that can get kickbacks will say that playing in Sharjah is good. I donot my country's national team (which carries the Indian name) to go play in crooked countries.

Name:Venkatesan Santhanam
Your Say:It is a very good decision at a very appropriate time. The Indian Government should not allow players to participate in English county when we have our own domestic schedules in India. Thus the Indian government has proved that "No individual is bigger than the Game - Cricket"

Your Say:Yes, Absolutely, the Indian Government took the right decision. The Players should get good enough time to rest and be with their family and friends. NOTE: Government should not allow the players to to do many commercial adds.

Your Say:Should not play

Name:rakesh gupta
Your Say:India must have a consistent policy and it should read: "India will not play any sports at any level agianst Pakistan until Pakistan stop supporting terrorists and their activities (who are killing Indian soldiers and civilians almost daily) in India." This venue-based policy is ludicrous. Would India play Pakistan in Melbourne? I hope not!!!

Your Say:well, 4 1 thing they must never play at govt school ground vishakapatnam.

Your Say:Its absolutely good for the Indian cricket and Indian cricket players. Though there is a short term disappointment of not able to watching some oneday matches i personally feel that in long term it does good for the way india plays test matches. I Think the govt. of india did what the cricket board should have done long back. I just want to add one thing here because about ganguly and the team. He is the kind of captain indian cricket team should have.Though he is in a bit of bad patch i think he is the best captain i have seen from the time i have watched cricket. I think what ever he is doing is absolutely right(interms of atleast behaving onfeild against australia).

Name:Vikas Trivedi
Your Say:First of all i think its high time the Government did something like this. BCCI is insanely stupid and they'll do anything to fill up their coffers. Seeing that GOI has not been willing to grant permission for India to play Pakistan for the last few years the BCCI shouldn't have agreed to the Pak tour and the Sharjah series in the first place without first getting consent from GOI. Also as a cricket fan i dont think i'm losing much by not getting to see India play Pakistan. To hell with them - lets first play with Aus, SA, WI, Eng, NZ, Zim, SL et all. Matches in these "non regular" venues are certainly high on the "possibly-fixed" list and so GOI's reason is good enough. And even if it doesnt sound convincing who cares - ICC cannot afford to alienate India (not with all the money it makes). ALso we should have a right to decide who we wanna play and where. Such things can't be forced.

Your Say:I think Govt of India has taken the right decision not to allow India playing in non regular venues.Actually this decision should have taken care by BCCI itself..They should have taken a decision not to p[articiapte in any masala match.....Just to raise the BCCI fund..regarding sharjah....I won't say sharjah is a non regular venue..but Sharjah was a venue where U will find a so called underworld don...And it was raise in CBI nvestigation itself....So our govt just giving the appreciation to CBI.... Not sure why they mentioned 3 years..but my guts feeling is that In India ..quite often U will see one govt is taking one decision and the very next govt are changing those...We are expecting another election in 3 years and god knows who will our Country. That way I welcome both the decision...And shme to say we have such a big Cricket organization Called BCCI in our Country who only thinks about raising there fund not about the players????

Your Say:NO

Your Say:I think There should be only 6 venues for cricket in India.
Chennai,Bangalore,Mumbai,Kolkata,Mohali and Delhi. All the other venues should have giant TV screens for the fans to watch.

Name:C Jayakumar
Your Say:MEANINGLESS One-Day Internationals are the prime cause of betting and match-fixing. India plays the lowest number of Tests of any Test-playing country in the world. Playing country fixtures for the next three years instead of Sharjah, Toronto, and Singapore is VERY, VERY HEALTHY for Indian cricket. We should try to the BEST cricketing nation in the world, and that CANNOT BE ACHIEVED by playing in Sharjah, Toronto, Singapore.

Your Say:should be made 5 years. globalisation? why should we care about globalisation.let the so called 'keepers' of the game like Australia or England think about it.

Your Say:If India were to be anywhere successful in the future then this is the first step in the right direction. Complaining the system in India for all these years lets praise it not a for a change but for a good deed. Keeping the motive for not sending Indian team to some places aside, the effect of this going to do wonders for Indian cricket. Apart from taking such a decision, the rule makers should have guts to make this a permanent one. Lets hope and support who ever made this decision and implemented it to see India triumph. This should set a good example for people in other sports to set strict measures for the nohble cause of improving the sports in the country. Kudos to everyone.

Your Say:I think the government's decision is correct. This is definitely a positive step as the government is being firm that cricket will be cleansed of any kind of bad elements associated with it be it the underworld of Sharjah or bookies of singapore. This also helps the Indian team concentrate on playing quality cricket at regular venues.

Name:Shielesh Damle
Your Say:This decision is without any logic behind it. I think Sports Ministry people are useless and they do not have knowledge. In this regards Kirti Azad is saying we can play with Pakistan when soldiers are dying in Kashmir terrorism sponsored by Pakistan. But India can play Hockey, Polo with Pakistan at that time where is feelings soldiers?

Your Say:It's a correct decision. What for we have to play there? I think we can earn much more for the former cricketers by organising triangulars in India. Its only upto BCCI to put its mind at it and do it.

Your Say:The governements decision is the right one and needs a big applaud. Being an ardent cricket fan, I would expect to see more quality cricket than the time waste matches -/Sathya

Name:jitendra s aswale
Your Say:it is correct not to allow india to play in the above countries as this will benefit india only in the long run because they would be able to concentrate more on traditional test match cricket.

Name:S. Sridhar
Your Say:Absolutely correct decision by the Government of India. Let not the cricket administrators pay lip service to the los of the "match purse" to the beneficiaries; there are sure other ways of making this up. If these venues are the birthplace of match-fixing, let us shun them not just to eradicate the menace but also to retain the interest of the cricket loving public like you and me.

Name:Subhash Kothari
Your Say:No absolutely not. We should be concentrating more on test matches which have become so intresting now a days. Or we can also send team - B to such venues to check out some new talents.

Name:sharad tiwari
Your Say:Dear sir, last its happening..surpriced what? Yes obviously some good things for indian cricket..some good decisions(hardly matters if these r taken due to circumstances)were taken recently. To start with was the appointment of John Wright as a coach. And the result is now almost visible. we can see the entirely different indian approach. I must appreciate the efforts of John Wright and one must also appreciate cricket board officals for apponting him as a coach in spite of some seniors were against the step of appointing a foreign coach. Another welcome decision is not from cricket bodies but its from the ministry for not allowing India to participate in so called Tamasha tournaments at not cricketing venues. This decision should be welcomed warmly by each cricket loving person. Forget about playing with Pakistan. This is not the point. the point is of players burn out due to excess cricket, the point is lack of motivation, lack of enthusiasm for playing. I am very sure that in coming series i.e. Zimbabwe, sriLanka, South Africa and England we will be getting better result from our players.. thats for sure.. with best regards.. sharad

Name:sharad pati
Your Say: I fully appreciate Govt's decision in the matter. All these years, these venues were developed for primarily to benifit organisers, contractors, middlemen and mostly media franchise owners and surely do not contrubute to game of cricket. The players, were unfortunately used by so called cricket authorities to benifit others than those who give their sweat for the game. Seconly very important thing is there was too much of one dayers at these centres which almost drained the strength of the players. Better these talents are used for 'tests, and ICC sponcered venues' on balanced manner than to work just for sponcerers, broadcasters and middlmen. It will be great if players themselves give vent to their opnion on the matter. It is good atleast Govt, if not BCCI, thinks in right direction.

Name:sharad pati
Your Say: I fully appreciate Govt's decision in the matter. All these years, these venues were developed for primarily to benifit organisers, contractors, middlemen and mostly media franchise owners and surely do not contrubute to game of cricket. The players, were unfortunately used by so called cricket authorities to benifit others than those who give their sweat for the game. Seconly very important thing is there was too much of one dayers at these centres which almost drained the strength of the players. Better these talents are used for 'tests, and ICC sponcered venues' on balanced manner than to work just for sponcerers, broadcasters and middlmen. It will be great if players themselves give vent to their opnion on the matter. It is good atleast Govt, if not BCCI, thinks in right direction.

Your Say:i think its almost the right decision....I say almost because i feel india should never play in non regular venues!!!!! If we look at the good teams like Australia, SouthAfrica almost never play at such venues...The past tournaments played in sharjah or singapore is a proof of that fact!!!! The goverment has taken a step in the right direction.....

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