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Welcome to Rediff Bol Customer Care
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This will enable us to provide a quick and accurate response.
Frequently Asked Questions about
Most Commonly asked Questions
Why am I unable to send an SMS?
How do I create an Avatar?
I am unable to sign in to Rediff Bol. Why?
The SMS I sent long back hasn't reached my friend so far. Why?
Some of the chatters are using abusive language in chat room. What do I do?
I am unable to start the talk and see option. Help!
I have problems downloading Rediff Bol. Why does this happen?
I am unable to send SMS to an international number. Why?
I am unable to send messages in Hindi. Why is that?
It is taking too long to sign in to Rediff Bol. What do I do?
How do I Download and Install Rediff Bol?
What is Rediff Bol?
Is Rediff Bol free?
What are the minimum operating system and hardware requirements to run Rediff Bol?
How do I Download and Install Rediff Bol?
I have installed Rediff Bol, but I still cannot see the Bol icon?
I already have the previous version of Rediff Bol. How do I upgrade to the new version?
I have problems downloading Rediff Bol. Why does this happen?
How do I Sign in to Rediff Bol?
How do I sign in to Rediff Bol?
I don't want to type my username and password every time I sign in. What can I do to avoid it?
How can I sign in automatically to Rediff Bol every time my computer starts?
How can I stop Rediff Bol from signing in automatically?
Someone else's email address is given above the sign in button? How can I sign in with my account?
I do not want my friends to see me when I am online on Rediff Bol. What do I do?
What happens if I sign in with the same username and password on two different machines?
What should I do if I forget my password?
It is taking a long time to sign in to Rediff Bol. What do I do?
How do I Register on Rediff Bol?
I am a new user. How do I use Rediff Bol?
Can I use Rediff Bol without a Rediffmail account?
How do I start Using Rediff Bol?
How do I start using Rediff bol?
I am unable to sign in to Rediff Bol. Why?
How do I Add and Delete Friends?
How do I add a friend by email address?
How do I add a friend by mobile number?
How will I know if my friends are Online/ Offline/ Available on SMS?
How do I stop a friend from sending me messages?
How do I delete a friend from my friend list?
If I delete/block a friend from my list, will they know about it?
What happens to my existing friend list when I upgrade to the new Rediff Bol?
How do I Send and Receive messages?
What is instant messaging?
How do I send and receive instant messages?
What happens if I send an instant message to a friend who appears to be offline?
How do I view offline messages?
What is quick reply? How do I use it?
How do I set my status?
How do I change my display name?
What is a conference? How do I invite friends and start a conference?
During a conference, can my friends invite their friends to the conference?
How do I save a conference?
How do I save my conversation with a friend?
How do I change the colour, size etc. of my font?
How do I Chat in Hindi?
How do I choose Hindi as my language?
How can I make Hindi as my default language?
Do I need to know how to type in Hindi?
Can I change the font size when I type in Hindi?
Can I combine Hindi and English in a single message?
Can I send an SMS in Hindi?
My friends do not have the new Rediff Bol? Can I still chat with them in Hindi?
Can I chat in Hindi even when I am in the public chat rooms?
Does the new Rediff Bol translate Hindi into English/English into Hindi?
I am unable to send messages in Hindi. Why is that?
How do I use the chat rooms?
What is the difference between instant messaging and chat?
How can I access the Bol chat rooms?
How do I send a private message to a user on chat room?
Can I add my chat friends to my friends list?
Can I chat in Hindi even when I am in the public chat rooms?
How do I send SMS to a mobile phone?
How do I send an SMS to my friends?
How do I send an SMS to a friend who is not on my friend list?
How many free SMS can I send in a day using Rediff Bol?
Do I need my friend's permission to send him/her an SMS?
How does my friend know that I am sending him/her an SMS?
Can I block a friend from sending me SMS on my mobile phone using Rediff Bol?
Will I and my friend be charged for sending SMS messages to each other via Rediff Bol?
How do I save my SMS conversations in Rediff Bol?
Which are the mobile operator networks I can SMS messages to?
I am trying to send an SMS but am unable to do so. Why?
The SMS I sent long back hasn't reached my friend so far. Why?
I am unable to send SMS to international number. Why?
How do I use Avatars?
What is an Avatar?
How do I create an Avatar?
Can I set an image stored on my computer as my Avatar?
How do I use Talk and See?
What is Talk & See?
What are the requirements for Talk and See?
How do I get started with Talk & See?
How do I increase/ decrease the volume while on Talk?
Can I Talk & See with more than one friend?
How do I end a voice conversation?
How do I end a video conversation?
I do not have a web cam. Can I still see my friend?
I am unable to initiate the talk and see option. Help!
The video quality is not very good. What could be the reason?
The video image has a lot of jerks. Why?
How do I send Emoticons/Talkies to my friends?
What are Emoticons?
How do I use Emoticons?
What are Talkies?
How do I use Talkies?
How do I access Rediffmail from Rediff Bol?
How can I access my Rediffmail inbox from Rediff Bol?
How can I send an email to a friend?
How do I know that I have received a new email in my Rediffmail Inbox?
How do I Send/Receive files and photos?
How do I send files/photos to my friends?
How do I receive files/ photos from my friends?
How do I assign a default folder to save all my files/photos received from friends?
How do I sign out and receive messages on my mobile phone?
How do I sign out of Rediff Bol?
How do I close the Rediff Bol window but keep it running in the background?
How do I exit Rediff Bol?
How can I receive messages on my mobile phone after I sign out of Rediff Bol?
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