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The amazing IAF planes

September 26, 2006
The Indian Air Force celebrates its platinum jubilee celebration this year. As part of its celebrations the IAF arranged an air show and equipment display at the Air Force Station in Adampur, Punjab on September 26.

The celebrations will officially kick off with an investiture ceremony, march past and fly past on IAF Day on October 8 at the Hindon Air Base on the outskirts New Delhi.

The IAF operates 27 different types of helicopters, combat jets, trainers and transport aircraft, many of these were on display in Adampur.

Images: IAF pilots of the Surya Kiran Aerobatic Team display their skills during an air show, part of the platinum jubilee celebrations of the Indian Air Force at the Adampur Air Force Station, some 20 km from Jalandhar, Punjab.

Photographs: Getty Images
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