Thanks to its treasure-trove of skilled manpower and high growth of software export, India is a true IT powerhouse.
And despite the current slowdown in the United States, Indian companies' overdependence on the American economy, and a weak dollar, the Indian IT juggernaut is on a roll. So where in India has the IT boom really taken off? And which are India's hottest IT spots? Read on. . .
1. Bangalore
Bangalore's (or Bengaluru's) ten-fold growth in quick time can be traced back to the IT boom over the past few years. Bangalore's main activity is information technology and information technology-enabled services. Being the leading contributor to India's IT industry, it has been dubbed the Silicon Valley of India.
Home to many software majors, like Infosys and Wipro, Bangalore accounted for 33 per cent of India's Rs 144,214 crore ($32 billion) IT exports in 2006-07.
A recent study also revealed that the rupee millionaire club in Karnataka's capital is the largest in India.
Bangalore also boasts of having the largest number of households with an annual income of Rs 10 lakh (Rs 1 million) or more. Needless to say, the city owes it all to the IT boom. Little wonder then that Bangalore is the number 1 IT desitnation in India.
Image : Infosys campus in Bangalore.
Photograph: Infosys Technologies
Also read: Bangalore, the millionaire city!