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December 7, 2002
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'8% growth possible, if BJP wins Gujarat polls'

Previous: 'If China can do it, why not India?'

Finance Minister Jaswant Singh, through the first-ever Mid-term Economic Review, said India will grow at the rate of 5-5.5 per cent during the current fiscal. Yet, at the same time, the government maintains that the country will achieve an average 8 per cent GDP growth rate during the Tenth Plan period (2002-2007).

We asked our readers if they thought India was on the right track to achieving an 8 per cent growth rate.

Opinion on India's capacity to achieve a high growth is divided. A large section of people feels the target is way too ambitious given the present political scenario, rising fiscal deficit, slow pace of reforms, and unfavourable investment climate.

Others are optimistic. They think it is possible if the government rationalises the tax regime, invests in infrastructure and reduces government interference in key areas like agriculture, power and telecom.

Here we reproduce some of the responses the query generated:

Thu Dec 5 21:51:35 2002
Name: Raghuram
Email: rvraghuram@rediffmail. com
Your Views: As of now it's not possible. It may be possible only after 1 or 2 years. In fact, we are not doing well. we shud learn from China. In India the system it self is very bad and it's not investor

Friendly. If we do not know how to achieve 8% , pls ask others or atleast imitate others (China) to match with them. We do not know how to complete a work in a stipulated time. . . . . that's all. It could be disinvestment, five year plans, industrial goals, infrastructural goals. . . & what not. WE R LOOSING.

Thu Dec 5 21:52:06 2002
Name: Sunil Kulkarni
Email: sunil_vk2@rediffmail. com
Your Views: What is not possible in India, everything is possible, but we need to have the political will.

Thu Dec 5 21:59:08 2002
Name: rajat
Email: rajatravindran@rediffmail. com
Your Views: yes, we should aim for 10%

Thu Dec 5 21:59:52 2002
Name: Ajit
Email: bhatajit@yahoo. com
Your Views: What Indian government must consider is Global Warming and frequest draught condition in coming years, is highly possible. It must act from today itself to solve these serious issues. At One side in Asam, Orissa we face floods and on other side Gujarat, maharashtra we face draught. Why can't we propose a project such as Ganga - Kaveri Canal which is one time investment and long term benifits. These are very serious issues to be tackled first. As Water is the main resource of Growth for any country we must root out these issues first. Look At the Examples of China, United states and other countries. What these countries did is they tacked water resource problems and Economy will automatically will grow up! We must compete with China not Pakistan.

Fri Dec 6 12:32:41 2002
Name: Kamath NG
Email: Kamathng20022002@yahoo. com
Your Views: It is possible provided: a) if the BJP and the ruling combine come out successfull in next Gujarat election, and b) which will pave for them the second term and the confidence to continue the reforms process. . .

Thu Dec 5 22:00:17 2002
Name: rajiv
Email: rajiv_r_pandya@rediffmail. com
Your Views: yes, get some young blood in politics and aim even higher

Thu Dec 5 22:02:34 2002
Name: Mohanachandran
Email: mohanac@emirates. net. ae
Your Views: I do not believe that the 8% is not achievable, since we never could make it so far. We always had our excuses. We Indians are especially good at it. Unless the political will changes, this target is impossible. And without this growth rate we will be nowhere in world map in the next five years.

Thu Dec 5 22:02:36 2002
Name: ashutosh mishra
Email: gargi96@hotmail. com
Your Views: First, get these bloody socialist/communist guys a big kick in their pants. Their shops have to be shut, they've gone on for far too long. Only basic education/primary health care for everyone. Rest be privatised. Get in anyone who cares to come from whichever place as quick as you can to invest here in whichever area. Let this Mr Shourie to be our FM, later make him PM. Let prosperity trickle down. Laloo can get Moosahars to bathe in Public with Lux and Mulayam rant against English while sending his ward to Doon. Their followers are sure blind. They don't obtain anything by following them in any case. So let something begin trickling down and turn into a torrent later for all. Privatise fast, or tomorrow they won't touch you even with a bargepole. Go the China way, give them only primary education so that they are enabled to shed their gullibleness, their naiveness and not fall prey to demagogues. Try passing Ordinances to get Ayodhya, Sants, Mullas, Bishops all out of the way. See what an Indian state CM Chandrababu has already achieved, besides S M Krishna, and what the Mulayam, Maya, Kalyan trio have done to my state in contrast. I don't see how else you guy's could ensure growth and 8% , maybe even more.

Thu Dec 5 22:03:30 2002
Name: yelesh modi
Email: yeleshmodi@yahoo. co. in
Your Views: yes.

Thu Dec 5 22:04:20 2002
Name: devendra sobhani
Email: dvd_sobhani@yahoo. com
Your Views: yes

Thu Dec 5 22:08:00 2002
Name: Murali
Email: cheeri_1602@yahoo. com
Your Views: Not until the economic reforms are IMPLEMENTED at a much faster pace.

Thu Dec 5 22:10:59 2002
Name: Dr D. K. Bhatia
Email: dkbhatia@Indiatimes. com
Your Views: A few of the suggestions are: (i) Income tax exemption for investment could be increased to Rs. 2. 0 lakh instead of the present limit of Rs. 60, 000/- for male tax payers and Rs. 70, 000/- for female tax payers. This will encourage savings. (ii) 50% of the investment be made eligible for tax rebate instead of the present 20% . (iii) Tax deducted at source (TDS) should be made uniform across the board. The limit could be fixed to a low of 2. 5 percent so that greater compliance is achieved and tax avoidance and tax evasion is automatically discouraged. This will also reduce the extent of transactions undertaken in cash. (iv) Sales tax should be made uniform at 4. 0 percent in all the States. (v) Octroi to be made uniform at 2. 0 percent in all the States. (vi) Excise duty should be gradually reduced to 10 percent. (vii) The pace of reduction in customs duties be continued downward. (viii) Stamp duty be made uniform at 5. 0 percent of the declared transfer value. This will discourage the transactions on Power of Attorney basis and reduce the use of cash in the transfer of properties. Let the authorities have faith in the people. Cut in government expenditurebe continued.

Thu Dec 5 22:15:28 2002
Name: tp
Email: tp@rediff. com
Your Views: yes if direct taxes are reduced

Thu Dec 5 22:15:29 2002
Name: t. j. mohan
Email: tj_mohan@yahoo. co. in
Your Views: Indian Economy is better compared to other parts of the world. The growing consumerism, the growing middle class is only a dream for so many countries. In India, the consumerism is still growing and the middle class are of many layers. The foreign currency remittence is the highest and availability of skilled manpower is still very high in India. Entrepreneurism is rising. I am in Africa, and I could see the source of available manpower especially technical is India. Indian business men are doing well. Lets look at the boom in India, but beware, religion and politics are on the one side ruining the growth of India. Let the monks and the local politicians find a better job to earn their wealth.

Thu Dec 5 22:15:49 2002
Name: sunil bhargo
Email: marx_bhargo@inktomi. com
Your Views: The only way to have a sustained growth environment is to have a congenial atmosphere and adequate infrastructure to support it. US has been regularly making hue and cry about the corruption and inadequate facilities in India which makes foreign investors think twice about investing in India. Compare India to china they have larger population than us but a higher growth rate and more FDI it is just because of the way they project themselves. Can we compare any of our cities to shanghai, beijing or even shenzhen. We have tothrow away the type governance which we have to put up with for past 55 years. Indians have been made fools by our own leaders. We are no less compared to anyone but we are being defeated from within. That also from the quarters that are least expected "our leaders". Every day the newspaper has same stuff this politician said this to so and so, political riots etc. We have to change this govt or force it to mend its ways. We have enough experience that nothing will be done by these politicians and it is left to us. One of peaceful ways will be never to vote in the election a way of non-coperation with current govt. I think Gandhi was never more relevant.

Thu Dec 5 22:17:37 2002
Name: Venkat
Email: v_koppula@yahoo. com
Your Views: Yes Possible, I guess even 10% too!. There should be a severe punishment on corrupted people irrespective of their position in the society, I mean politicians, burocrats, everybody should be brought under that umberilla like govt is proposing punishment(hang) on those do rapes. First step increase the number of courts, bring quality people as judges, implement the punishments seriuously for atleast one year and see the results. Our country is a great democratic country in the world with abundant man power to produce and consume. Technology wise we are moving fast enough. Finally my opinion is to controll the corruption for another 50% further atleast which gives tremendous potential in our economic results. Regards Venkat CA, US

Thu Dec 5 22:17:45 2002
Name: Dr D. K. Bhatia
Email: dkbhatia@Indiatimes. com
Your Views: In the Indian economy 8% growth rate is possible, is possible, is possible. No doubt about it. Corruption should be reduced, if not completely eliminated. The paradigm shift is needed in the minds of the policy makers

Thu Dec 5 22:19:06 2002
Name: shridhar powar
Email: powar_77@rediffmail. com
Your Views: very much possible. but we should not harp on this fast growth rate thing. see 4% is good enough but it has to be maintained over a considerable length of time. this requires proper planning and a clear direction right now it all seems that we are like a sail boat of the fourteenth century. all at mercy with the wind. this time the rains have failed. have our ploicy makers thought atleast what has to be done to prevent this problem of over reliance on monsoons truly our farmers have recieved a raw deal from our so called intellectuals. all our technicians have to be ashamed at their selfishness. have our urban elite ever given a thought when they eat their daily food as to what must be a poor farmer's life like? no they are only interested in their fulfillment of their selfish motives. we all have to be a part of this nation building process let us join hands together in this noble endeavour jai hind

Thu Dec 5 22:24:49 2002
Email: sridharamurthyl@rediffmail. com
Your Views: It is my considered view that 8% growth rate is too ambitious even during normal times. Given the savings rate of the economy and the nature of investment, capital intensive in nature, the talk of a lower capital-output ratio does not appear to be realistic. Within the broad parameter of the type indicated above, 6-6. 5% growth rate appears to me to be feasible. An 8% growth rate in real terms can be assured only if there is allround productivity increase which in the short run seems to be a difficult task. What is to be done in the immediate period is to ensure capacity utilisation in the manufacturing sector. With regard to the agricultural sector, greater application of science and technology and its diffusion to the rural population is both an immediate and a long run need. This appears to be a solution to reduce capital-output ratio in the economy. There is need if not of controlling government expenditure, but of directing it to productive use. Unfortunately, this is more talked about than implemented. Subsidies, if it shd not be a burden to the economy, should be so directed to ensure that it results in creation of durable asset adding to the wealth of the country.

Thu Dec 5 22:25:39 2002
Name: SValluru
Email: svalluru@att. net
Your Views: It is definitely possible to achieve 8% GDP growth rate, especially over a sustained period. Fiscal deficit, failed monsoon and political bickerings may be stumbling blocks on temperory basis. Fiscal deficit is the issue, that can be successfully countered with careful planning and co-ordination of government and industry. Failed monsoon should not effect much, that too, after we experienced successive good monsoons. Definitely, we will experience a good one next year. So, the important aspect is the political will. Come on guys! give a helping hand to the government. Let the opposition parties concentrate on the real issues rather than vote bank politics. If they want to take govt to task, let them expose it on the real failures. I would suggest that we can achieve anything provided we are optimistic. Be optimistic and gain self confidence. When our neighboring countries smaller by many times, can achive this feat, why can't we do?

Thu Dec 5 22:32:31 2002
Name: Avinash Varma
Email: avinash. varma@us. pwcglobal. com
Your Views: Even if the entire nation just gets up one morning and does nothing except brush their teeth and flush their toilets, it would suffice to grow the economy by 5% , which is what our esteemed Finance Minister is projecting. Not only is 8% plus growth possible, it is absolutely imperative that we set that as a benchmark for the next decade. Anything less will just not cut it in the long run. First of all instead of taking empty pride in the growing Forex Reserves let us start thinking of how to put that money to use. The govt can do this by identifying a few infrastructure projects both in rural as well as urban areas to stimulate job growth & create opportunites. Building world class airports in a couple of cities would be a good beginning to start using this money. Opening up and funding a few of research centers in areas of medicine & technology would be another good way to create an infrastructure that would serve the country well into this new century. Not only will such projects create jobs, but will increase the pool of skilled workers as well as broaden the infrastructure. We need to stop building temples and start building the nation.

Thu Dec 5 22:53:32 2002
Name: J. Thakur
Email: j_thakur@yahoo. com
Your Views: The GDP growth at the rate of 8% is hard but a possible event. They key issues are required to be addressed viz. 1. RAPID and UNBOUND but PROPER privatisation/ divestment of PSU and others, 2. Inducting PRIVATE FUNDING AND MONITORING organizations to eatablish SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE in VERY SHORTEST POSSIBLE time. 3. BOOSTING FDI at ANY COST because that will create JOB MARKET and CASH INFLOW. 4. MAINTAINING POLITICAL STABILITY at the centre (Parliament) to accelerate the reform process. PLEASE CONVEY THIS MESSAGE TO OUR EVERY INDIVIDUAL MINISTERS SITTING IN PARLIAMENT. OTHER WISE BE PREPARED FOR ECEONOMIC SLUG IN FUTURE.

Thu Dec 5 23:18:01 2002
Name: Shiva
Email: shivathreya@hotmail. com
Your Views: Definitely possible. First concentrate on Agri which employs 60% of the population. Mordenise Textile sector. Then on Infrastructure, Banks (USE THE SAVINGS PLEASE). Information technology is the future!

Thu Dec 5 23:20:03 2002
Name: Venkata Irava
Email: srinivas_iv@yahoo. com
Your Views: There are so many thoughts and so little space to put it in! Is 8% growth possible? Yes it certainly is. But the primary question we should be asking is, do we have the resolve to achieve it. Is the government willing to relax labor laws! Is the government or for that matter any political party which is in power risk its political future and make the right (privatisation) decisions for the long term good of the nation! The motto should be "Government has no business to be in business" Government should only be a facilitator of the market. It should provide the right kind of infrastructure and the environment for businesses to succeed. The NHDP is a very good idea towards that end. But providing good roads is not good enough! industries also need reliable un-interrupted power supply. Liberalization in the early 90s was the best thing to have happened to India for a long time. Look what it did to the software industry. But India is a huge country and a strong economy cannot be built on one industry alone. We need to do well in the hardware and manufacturing sectors too! We should encourage investments (Foreign or Domestic) in these areas as well. Jai Hind!

Thu Dec 5 23:46:59 2002
Name: Dr. Dipankar Datta
Email: dipankardatta@hotmail. com
Your Views: It is possible if our decisions are above party politics, focussed and above the narrow self interest of any particular section of the society. WE have to be scrupulously honest, not afraid of the foreigners(we are intelligent enough to beat them in their own game later) and should not be afraid of competition. If the Chineese can do it, we can do it too! We have to spend much more money in Primary Education and Primary Health Care, Mother and Child Care, Family Planning and for woman's right. Educated middle class has to get involved much more in Nation building work voluntarily, the type of work the Party does in China, rather than contiously chasing the ideals of consumer society of the west at the present stage of our development. There has to be Zeal, there has to be conviction and there has to be self confidence in all of our activities. Professionals have to get involved in Politics as during the Independence Movement and get rid of the Criminals. We have got the intelligence, we have got the capacity, we have got the heritage and we have the price advantage. The World should be our Oyster.

Fri Dec 6 00:22:37 2002
Name: Nileshwar
Email: nileshwar_mecher@rediff. com
Your Views: Yes, with a sustained effort towards achieving this goal, by cutting spenditures and by focussing on the agro sectors, nodoubt India with it's diverse and abundant resources , can retrieve it's target of 8% GDP over a sustained period.

Fri Dec 6 00:26:12 2002
Name: chandra
Email: chan7272@aol. com
Your Views: 8% for India would be tough as there are many red tapes compared to China. Here in USA 60% of the goods in superstores are from China and India can do the same but our politicians have no vision. In a country where you get water for few hours and electricity for half a day 8% would be dream. Indian thinking is frozen in time. Unless we get youg, enrgetic politician we are going to remain a poor nation for a long long time.

Fri Dec 6 00:41:42 2002
Name: Rajagopal
Email: gvrajagopal@yahoo. com
Your Views: India is a great country. People in India are innovative enough to find ways to fill the stomach. It is misguided policies and unwanted regulations that stopped people from this. All that is needed for 8% growth goverment should start doing what it should do and avoid doing what it should not do. Government should things like healthcare, education, defense and procecution of the unlawful. It should stop doing business for clothes, banking, insurance, trading etc. It should remove unncessary regulations on labour, land, free movement of goods. It should stop giving freebees to farmers, senior citizens, women etc. But it should create social security. Citizens of India will take care of the rest. They can repeat the success in other parts of the world right in India. Can Indian Government do these simple things?

Fri Dec 6 00:46:12 2002
Name: Indian
Email: India@yahoo. com
Your Views: It is possible. We need sincerity and dedication in political leaders.

Fri Dec 6 00:49:58 2002
Name: rana preet
Email: ranapreet@yahoo. com
Your Views: it is impossible, especially in a country like where the consumer is not very aware of his environment and where the government does not support business Friendly policies. This leads to low investment and GDP is based on the new investment done in the country , it does not comprise of the old investmnet.. therefore i feel it is impoosible also our last years progress what in the range of 3-4. 5% . . .

Fri Dec 6 00:55:19 2002
Name: Param
Email: paramsaini@hotmail. com
Your Views: It is very much possible. If it could have during P V Narasimha Rao's administration why not now.

Fri Dec 6 01:18:57 2002
Name: BD
Email: blablka@aaa. ass. com
Your Views: NO! Lets get real. . . 8% real GDP growth requires the engine of economy humming in all cylinders. Just not possible in India

Fri Dec 6 01:39:33 2002
Name: Sathish
Email: Sathish@needhonest. politican. com
Your Views: No. not possible at the current rate, the gov is working on the reforms

Fri Dec 6 01:54:39 2002
Your Views: YES. It is possible to even exceed 8% with good governance. India has all the pottentials at its disposal, namely, human, market and a strong sense to achieve. Just look at the nri's worldwide. In us alone they are the highest income group. In other parts of the world they are generally doing better than the indegenous population. It does not take a rocket science to understand the waste and inefficiencies caused by the babu-raj and protected by the politicians. It pains me to no end to see the progress made by china and other societies in the last fifty years and the lack of progress in india in the sense of providing good life for many. The mis-portrayal by bollywood of high society and prosperity of few hides the realities of abject poverty, disparity and hoplessness of so many. Visitors from a foreign country have their senses knocked out moments after they step beyond airport and the walls of their five star hotel. Why is india refusing to change? What is this obsession with keeping the masses struggling for daily survival and a few well off economically. Don't tell me it is so because india is a democracy and china is not. . . . I might throw up.

Fri Dec 6 02:05:12 2002
Name: dipanjan
Email: dd481764@yahoo. com
Your Views: No. Not possible. We can talk for countless hours about tax reforms, tariff reforms, land reforms, infrastructure, FDI, legal reforms, etc (because we just love to talk, talk and talk) but the fact remains, we are a country with corrupt, inept, uneducated, visionless politicians (who by the way we elect to make policies) who are too busy either in politics or saving their tenure rather than working on a war footing to take our country to the next generations of economic reforms. Unless, we as common people start demanding hard working, highly educated, sharp, business minded, enterpreneur politicians like Sourie, Jayram Ramesh, Manmohan Singh, Naidu, lets not even talk about utopian concepts of 8% economic growth cause our Laloo's, Mamata's and Sonia's of this world does not even know how the economy works !! U want 8% economic growth, then u think twice before u go to elect your leader next time.

Fri Dec 6 09:46:46 2002
Name: Narasimhan
Email: narasu@hotmail. com
Your Views: Difficult to achieve. To attainmore than 8% grwoth rate drastic steps be taken. Hard decisions to contain fiscal deficit be taken to improve the economy. cutting subsidies, free perks to beauracrats alone can help. All licensing procedures must be simplified. Tax reforms should be (Direct taxes) 5% , 10% , 15% , 20% , 25% , 30% , 40% depending on annual income be introduced. No standard deduction, 88, and other 20% rebate be done away. No long term capital gains be taxed, for equities, which will in turn stimulate economic grwoth, and dividend/bonus share need not be taxed. All Minstries/Deptt. be merged into compact one so that only 10 Ministries be there in India to look after all the important decisions. This will automatically bring economy of scales and reduce no. of the Govt. staff & Minsters/Secretaries etc. A strong political will is needed to bring about all these drastic steps.

Fri Dec 6 10:51:16 2002
Name: inconnu
Email: inconnu@rediffmail. com
Your Views: Stop living in fools paradise

Fri Dec 6 11:25:52 2002
Name: Ashish
Email: vs_ashish@yahoo. com
Your Views: I have had enough of the talks about our comparsions with China and USA. Yes we can acheive 8% GDP growth. My theory goes like this: Yes we as a nation do have our own problem like all other nations of this world(yes even our two big often compared competitors). But Like in the case of USA let us see all our citizens pay taxes on whatever income they make and let us see everyone do their share in helping out the goverment. You want corruption to stop then stop offering birdes to our Gov employees and let the system work its course. My fellow countrymen form all this I only mean to say this: Yes our government does have its shortcomings, but a government is only as strong as its people. We are a great nation and we can be even greater if all of us do our part in making this nation strong. Yes we need a strong governance, but we also need citizen participation. We dont need China or USA as our role models, Our nation's civilization and its history are motivation enough. Lets unite and show our neighbours and the world that we are no pushovers.

Fri Dec 6 11:31:16 2002
Name: Girish Gadodia
Email: girishgadodia@rediffmail. com
Your Views: Yes. For this to happen maximum Indians must be brought into the productivity loop. Small scale industries must be encouraged. Agro productivity must be increased. 2% could be added to the workforce every year. Productivity of each individual could be increased by 6% on an annual basis by efficient and effective channelisation of effort. This is clearly a realistic possibility. One way to bring more people into the loop would be to concentrate on housewives. Insurance as a market is poised to grow. It must be made mandatory for insurance companies to appoint woman as 30% of their agent force. This could be a starting point. Second area to concentrate on would be cleaning up of the banking system. Revival of sick industries and improving productivity of those employed there is a difficult task. Such areas if addressed could certainly lead to high GDP growth rate.

Fri, 6 Dec 2002 15:13:45
Name: Sridhar Parida
Your Views: Only possible if Corruption decreases and all politicians of should be white(Corruption free).

Fri, 6 Dec 2002 15:17:06
Name:L Prasad
Your Views: It all Needs: 1. The political will 2. Creating the ambience 3. Intellectual participation 4. Reduced corruption 5. Good Governance etc.., etc.. for growth of 8% GDP.

Fri, 6 Dec 2002 02:29:49 -0800 (PST)
Name:somya Sharma
Your Views: I am a student of 11th grade in china in the Shanghai American School. The increase in India's GDP by 8% percent is merely due to inflation in my opinion. The GDP for the year 2001 was 2.5 trillion and the per capita income was 2500. For an 8% growth, there should have been an increase in NRI inflows, labor productivity and factors such as employment. According to the PPF(Production Possibility Frontier), for the antional growth to shift out(increase), the unemployment must be at its lowest percentage, high FDI and NRI inflows should be there, high investor confidence and high trading volume.exports in core sector should increase.IT sector should grow at more that 60% bcos it will contribute a lot towards growth. The juxtaposition of GDP of 2001 with the GDP of 2002 would be appropriate if the conditions such as fiscal deficit, and the sactors of productions were taken into acount. There might have been an increase government's subsidies to the firms and the transfer payments. Governement expenditure is also a key consonent of GDP. The NNP (Net national Product and the Gross National Product should also be taken into account). How many people pay tax is also related to GDP. Unless the per capita income increases, there is no use for a 8% or a 10% growth in GDP.

Fri, 6 Dec 2002 16:14:14
Your Views: Sure we can achieve 8 or even 10%. Just remove all the politicians, give them a permanent paid holiday, appoint a team of Administrators, like Mr. Azim Premji, Mr. Narayan Murthy, Mr. Ambani and the like and our country (read company) can do well like Wipro, Infosys, Reliance etc.

Fri, 6 Dec 2002 17:19:18
Your Views: India do not have any long term policy. India do not have any policy that could Make the product cheaper for indian population. The anti dumping duty Imposed on many items under the guise of destroying the domestic industry, is Nothing but a myth. Let the government calculate the number of people Affected vs no of people benifitted by the arrival of cheap goods. If goods Are available cheaper to the people, more money will be entering into other Segments of business or more money will be saved. When the licence raj has Ended the "anti dumping raj" has started. The best example is the latest Recommendation for imposition of anit dumping duty on compact flourecent Lamps imported from china and hongkong. First of all the indian policy Makers should understand that china can make and supply goods at a Cheaper cost. No seller is going to incur a loss and supply to another Country. So instead of giving big statements that "if china can do it, we also Can do it", let them first study how the chinese are able to do it and teach it To the people of india".

Fri, 6 Dec 2002 13:52:58
Name: Kapil Desai
Your Views: I am as the HR consultant at Paris.I must say we have to BE POSITIVE.Every one discussed of the problem But now solutions are: 1 Tight Video watch on Higher Middle class government employees. 2 Choose good people from Education and Army 3 Utilize what we have at the optimize level--as no wastage and if every one decides just one thing good eg not to throw garbage ont the road, not to eat at the restaurant for this month , not to see movie, or not to be levish just for one day..then .possible kapil Desai (International HR & Strategic management consultant--Paris) I love India

Fri, 6 Dec 2002 21:17:13 +0800
Name:vijay vasant sapale
Your Views: First stop comparing India and china. They are much ahead of india. There export is $260Bn while our Export is not Even $50bn. Bulk of which is coming from primary sector and software. The software is poised to grow but all depends on external factors. Overwhich we don't have control. First we have to built our own market to support the goods which we are producing. There is lot to be done in labour reforms, Infrastructure like road , electricity and telecom. By any standard india is one of the most expensive country in our region. Like china we don't have one party control over the country to implement the new policies. Only certain regions will be benifited and within that region only few category of people will be benifited. Defence expenditure is more than required and this will continue until religion based political parties will stay in centre. The party will only think of the country when they get time from religion & the small supporting parties which are holding centre at gun point every now and then. While talking about growth if there is word "IF" than I don't think we can achieve the 8%.Because this "IF" was there for 50 years and will remain there for another 50 and more years. At the most it will be 6% which very low to drive an economy of 1bn plus population.

Fri Dec 6 11:37:14 2002
Name: Girish Gadodia
Email: girishgadodia@rediffmail. com
Your Views: This is in addition to my previous comments. The GDP comprises of agriculture, manufacturing and services. A person cannot eat 8% more every year on a sustained basis. Ensuring sufficient food for all must be a priority. The growth has to happen in goods and services available to individuals.

Fri Dec 6 11:51:20 2002
Name: Girish Gadodia
Email: girishgadodia@rediffmail. com
Your Views: Our GDP consists of agriculture, manufacturing and services. On a year to year basis one cannot keep consuming 8% more food. Sufficent diet for all should be ensured and same to be maintained over time. The growth has to come from manufacturing and services. People should be given more time for this. Only if they have time will they be able to utilise the additional goods and services. An 8 hour day + 5 day week regime to be followed. This would improve the overall quality of life on family, social as well as public basis. This has to come from the top. Such a step would go a long way in ensuring the achievement of the said objective.

Fri Dec 6 16:01:56 2002
Name: Somya Sharma
Your Views: I am a student of 11th grade in China in the Shanghai American School. The increase in India's GDP by 8% percent is merely due to inflation in my opinion. The GDP for the year 2001 was 2.5 trillion and the per capita income was 2500. For an 8% growth, there should have been an increase in NRI inflows, labor productivity and factors such as employment. According to the PPF(Production Possibility Frontier), for the national growth to shift out(increase), the unemployment must be at its lowest percentage, high FDI and NRI inflows should be there, high investor confidence and high trading volume.exports in core sector should increase.IT sector should grow at more that 60% bcos it will contribute a lot towards growth. The juxtaposition of GDP of 2001 with the GDP of 2002 would be appropriate if the conditions such as fiscal deficit, and the sactors of productions were taken into acount. There might have been an increase government's subsidies to the firms and the transfer payments. Governement expenditure is also a key consonent of GDP. The NNP (Net national Product and the Gross National Product should also be taken into account). How many people pay tax is also required.

Fri Dec 6 18:12:30 2002
Your Views:Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Every thing is impossible here.. 8 % growth?????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!

Fri Dec 6 19:09:35 2002
Name: Juvvadi,Raghunatha Rao
Your Views: India is being ruled by clerks ,big ones(IAS)and small, the biggest stumbling blocks to growth. They must go and government should withdraw from as many fields as possible. Limit population growth by law. Labour reforms will bring work culture. It is difficult to get few more ministers like Arun shourie,but few more projects like highways will do. Governments shoudn't be doing business,but they mus -t weed the rascals out of business. We will grow not at 8% but 10%.

Fri Dec 6 19:23:57 2002
Name: Dr PC Sharma
Your Views: Yes, India can achieve the target of 8% growth, incase every one of us try to do our work with honesty, dedication and with a strong zeal to make our own country ' the world leader'. We should strive to develop a society which is free of corruption may be financial, physical, political or any other.

Fri, 6 Dec

Fri, 6 Dec20:21:44 2002
Name: harisaritK
Your Views: Target 8% is achieveable. We need to fasten our belts, specially those who churn away money from internal and external resourses.Take a close look on a decade gone. We have multiplied population only. Let us take stock of this very factor. Who are multiplying population, where from they get funds to look after 5-7 children. Someone sending them money ? for what ulterior puspose? Make them accountable. Why afraid to bring this fact into the parliament. Is BJP afraid of a blacklash from the minorities? Or is Congress afraid no not willing to repeat Indira Gandhi bold steps.You will definitely find an answer to your economic failures in population policy.

Sat Dec 7 05:17:42 2002
Name: RAM S
Your Views: Yes, Provided certain measures were taken. Reforms are the key to success. When you talk abt. growth it can come only as a Multiplier Effect not just employing more people and no work for them. The government should do away with restrictive policies, should provide productivity incentives. The most important step is automation and process change, the Govt should start automation projects, that is lets say if you use a machine to do a job it might take away 10 jobs, but it will provide 10000 direct and indirect employment to people who make the machines and those who depend on it. so that 20000 or more lives are bettered and they start buying, causing multiplier effect leading to more growth. The Govt. should enact clear and transparent laws to demarcate consumer and corporate interests. Should undertake across the board reforms and privatize all the departments except strategic ones, and automate them for better management and productivity. You cannot make growth, you provide the right atmosphere and growth comes automatically. The Government should function as a Administrative machinery to facilitate law and order, security and equality. All other things should be on its own.

Sat Dec 7 07:56:52 2002
Name: Prakash
Your Views: First of all, Govt. Should strictly control population growth. Unless that is done, just forget about Economic growth rate. Even Country has > 8% Eecon. growth is nothing. Assign Population control program toPeople like T.N. Sheshan

Sat Dec 7 10:43:57 2002
Name: k.s.sundarraman
Your Views: Our PM has a vision and perhaps a dream .This is a goal of our country. Dream without action-plan is only a day dream. goals are with action plan. for 8% growth. polticians of ruling party and oppostion parties come together and should a pert- chart and implementpolicies and activity with proper mid course action without hype should implement. This type of team work among our rotten ,corrupt,and deadly disease like say one thing and deny next moment polticians and officials 8% growth is impossible. standard 5to 5.5% is going to be diffcult during this year.Any postive goals must have short-term and long-term plans and check and re check methods to see this plans go smoothly. if any hitch and unexpected natural distasters should have been taken into account. FISCAL DEFICIT;This is definitely should be reduced.10 by reducing the age limit from 60 years to 55 years.for all central govt. employees and PSU. 2) all sick PSUs must be closed after paying employees compensation.3) some of the ministries in central govt . should be closed. essential and important ministries should be with central govt.4) all mps and ministers shold take medi- claim policy. Shoiuld nopt get royal medical treatment at foriegn country at the age 60 plus at the cost of income tax payers. 4) many unwanted wastful expenditure should be cut mercilesly not based on VOTE BANK purpose. 5) ruling and opposition parties should givr joint decleration in doing and implement swiftly FAILED MOONSOON. This is avery fague reason for not getting the target since we claim that enough food stck is there and this type happens rarely. TENSION ALONG THE BORDER:This is always there . any big country has to take measure. Many reasons can be given that we can not reach 8% growth. The nain reason is that we have only dream not goal. sincerly yours, k.s.sundararaman 07 dec' 2002 10-23 am

Sat Dec 7 11:02:06 2002
Name: Sudheer Sharma
Your Views: I think this country can only see 8% growth rate when some dynamic and visionary leader like Chandrababu Naidu takes the positin of Prime minister. We need less polotics and more development unfortunately our leaders do just opposite.

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