'If China can do why can't India?'
Finance Minister Jaswant Singh, through the first-ever Mid-term Economic Review, said India will grow at the rate of 5-5.5 per cent during the current fiscal. Yet, at the same time, the government maintains that the country will achieve an average 8 per cent GDP growth rate during the Tenth Plan period (2002-2007).
We asked our readers if they thought India was on the right track to achieving an 8 per cent growth rate.
Opinion on India's capacity to achieve a high growth is divided. A large section of people feels the target is way too ambitious given the present political scenario, rising fiscal deficit, slow pace of reforms, and unfavourable investment climate.
Others are optimistic. They think it is possible if the government rationalises the tax regime, invests in infrastructure and reduces government interference in key areas like agriculture, power and telecom.
Here we reproduce some of the responses the query generated:
Thu Dec 5 16:55:59 2002
Name:D.Vishnu Vardhanan
Your Views:Yes, If the government taps our own oil and reduce the foriegn exchange, lower price of fuel can ignite more than the expected growth.
Thu Dec 5 16:56:11 2002
Your Views:Given the fact that the government always announces higher GDP growth every year, but reliable foreign institutions downsizes these figures, the targeted rate of 8% is in the currents state of poor reforms close to utopian
Thu Dec 5 16:57:53 2002
Name:Gopal Jhunjhunwala
Your Views:This type of growth is possible only if corruption is reduced to a resonable level. At present most of the money generated by the economy goes under the beds of the higher middle class government servents, which does not contribute to the growth. These corrupt higher middle clas employees are insrumental in making policies which benefits only them at the cost of growth in the GDP.
Thu Dec 5 16:59:10 2002
Your Views:8% growth is possible if we can undertake a) Labour reforms b) Disinvestment/ Privitasation including so called strategic sectors like defence etc. c) Sustained Export of defence equipment d) Have a few more honest ministers like Arun Shourie e) deportation of all Politicians to Siberia.
Thu Dec 5 17:00:40 2002
Your Views:Ifeel it is impossible for India with so many negative points like fiscal deficit, drought,worldwide recession and huge expenditure on defence.Reasonable expectation is 7 per cent in near future.
Thu Dec 5 17:00:59 2002
Your Views:I personnaly think it will be possible if only our total resources put.All thinking should be efficient so that it can meet the requirements of the people.I think the troop mobilisation along cost us very much.It totally costed us Rs 800 crore.Of that our economy is not at a good position at now.But it will grow and we should be confident of achieving it and not lose faith.Than only we can achieve the 8 percent target
Thu Dec 5 17:06:07 2002
Name:Job Mathew
Your Views:No on the economic growth scene our progress has been stifled by Political mismangement, terrorism and wrong priorities persued by the leadrship.
Thu Dec 5 17:11:30 2002
Your Views:The plan for 8% growth in economy would be the best achievement and a tribute to our former finance ministers who strived for it for such a long time. Taking this as a goal and working towards it, irrespective of the government at the centre can make this up in much lesser time. For this, I think the finance ministers should go a bit more harsh on tax collection and also the raids on suspicious members who evade tax should be done. Working towards this, we should be working towards the upliftment of the weaker economic sections of the nation. There should be no decrement in the amount we spend towards the welfare programs of our villages, countering the drought problems. The duty also wrests in the hands of us all. Hope we will achieve the 8 % growth sooner than planned and prove the world that the developed nations are underrating our economy.
Thu Dec 5 17:12:42 2002
Your Views:I think even greater than 8% is possible if the number of people who take to entrepreneurship increases substantially. Also any kind of non linear growth in the economy is only possible if the number of innovations increase. We should work towards developing innovative products which should be marketed outside our country. The defence industry also needs to grow so that we spend less on foreign arms.
Thu Dec 5 17:13:24 2002
Name:rabi narayan mohanty
Your Views:for a country to grow @ 8%,its manufacturing sector should be in good form & should be thriving.in case of ar country,this particular sector is not doing well.analysts are pinnig their hopes on the service sector,but they are forgetting one thing that without the support of manufacturing sector the growth of service sector is also not possible.only silver line in the cloudy climate is the software export from india.that is also dependent on USA's economy.so in this kind of a scenario,hoping to get a 8% growth is mere optimism.so as per conservative estimation the growth of 5% can be expected.
Thu Dec 5 17:17:40 2002
Your Views:yes Possible growth can be seen but a tremendous growth of 8% is a really a high target but if not interfiered by political clashes and by the stronger co-operation in Politics and be achieved, but in participating and for the first time India emmerging as aggresive towards Pakistan is a bit dorgy to the economy
Thu Dec 5 17:18:50 2002
Name:Kiran Jadav
Your Views:No, Because in economic review finance minister announced that in 2002-2003 growth rate will be 5.5% it's makes, instead of 8% because if you want to reach at 8% growth rate at the end of 2007 you must achieve 8% every year on an avrage and you just fall short at the start of the year by 2.5% so this burden forword to the next four year. if you achieve 6 05 7 percent in 2004 you can forward the ramaining percent to next three year. it's makes the situation misurable. and there is not such sign showing in the economy that it achieve the 8% in the year 2007. My question is how the beurocrates miss this calculation and why they predict such a thing which is not possible? If you can give me this answer i will be happiest man.
Thu Dec 5 17:22:28 2002
Name:Umesh Gupta
Your Views:For the growth of any country's economy or personal growth, the basic ingredient is sincere efforts in right direction. It will be too much for us to expect that monsoon will always be good, neighbor will not be zealous of your success and everybody will agree to one point of view. Therefore only alternative is managing diversity and it will be possible to achieve not only 8% growth but higher even. Our aim is not to become sentimental but understand the real issue. Even having higher fiscal deficit will not be detrimental but resources have to be used in productive area and not on the salary of incompetent babus. But there is no substitute for lack of will on the part of politicians who have not interest in the development of the country. The idea of garland canal is laudable idea that will not only generate employment but give rapid spurt in growth rate because Indian economy is basically an agrarian economy. Therefore for having sustainable higher growth rate, it essential that Indian Govt. quickly undertake job of interconnecting rivers. There is no need to bring in any foreign technology, manpower and finance as local resources will able to meet requirements.
Thu Dec 5 17:24:18 2002
Your Views:Achieving 8 percent or 10 percent growth or even more does not lie only in the hands of the government. It is the attitude of the indians that can make this target achieviable.Devising the right policies, bringin in the political consensus, and containing or taming the beurocracy, containing the curruption, and issues like these are set properly and political leaders show that they in in the power for working hard for developing the country, then what is not possible ? Everything lies in the attitude of the leaders and the people.
Thu Dec 5 17:24:52 2002
Name:Narayan Tekade
Your Views:India requires very pragmatic policies. Our successive governments cannot take such policies because we are very proud of our wretched democracy. We have lost the bus for faster economic progress. We are not capable of being an Asian tiger. We are still a nation following a Hindu rate of growth. Whatever little progress is seen is due to NRI's contribution and software exports from India. India is growing well in services sector, but here government's contribution is little. Only services sector will not sustain without sturdy development in agriculture and manufacturing. I firmly believe that though there is an outstanding progress in some areas, there are many areas where India is the last. The visionary President says, India would be the superpower by 2020. I give it in writing that India cannot be a superpower even by 2025. Because our policies are not pragmatic, they are short-term ad-hoc, reactionary and keeping vested interest. People are denied continuously the economic freedom. The best thing this government can do is less of governance. The bureaucracy has made the mess of everything, they are the burden on India, the silent majority is carrying.
Thu Dec 5 17:25:00 2002
Your Views:The government cannot and will never be close to SUSTAINING such a rate if disinvestment plans are moving along at a tortoise's pace and if it continues to provide barriers to entrepreneurship/FDI. It has to rise out of short-sighted political gains and take a leaf out of China's book.
Thu Dec 5 17:26:08 2002
Name:sandeep thakkar
Your Views:Well, I think unless and until corruption in India stops Govt. can't achieve its target of 8%.
Thu Dec 5 17:26:49 2002
Your Views:I think the foremost problem in India is it's political turbulence in many states. Secondly, major foreign investsments are affected by red tapes & bueracracy. Govt of India should take responsible measures & setup committee to guide foreign businesses. They should try & adapt certain Chinese methods like creating diff economic sectors in east, west, north & south regions of India. Sign FTA trade deals with leading S.E.Asian countries & EU. Try to increase the value of Ind Rupees (US$1 = RS35) in the next 3-4yrs. Give incentives & lucrative offer for SMEs to setup nationwide. Reduce taxes. Fund Universities to groom top students with entreprenueral talents. The present generation & the youth should be judged on the basis of meritocracy for the success of tomorrow's India. Wish India a bright future by 2010.
Thu Dec 5 17:28:01 2002
Name:sandeep Email:sandeep.chandak@in.eyi.com
Your Views:there are countries in the world which grow at more than 8%pa. look at various companies in India which show that growth levels..point is not whether that is possible or not. point is whether we want that or not. our society has become somewhat adaptable to the kind of system we are living in..the kind of governments we face (or we select!!) year after year, are pathetic. its now very much official and respectable thing that politicians are earning loads of money which is being swept away from public. when the govt is not doing anything, why any taxes are levied. just to enrich these politicians. here in India, no industry can run because of the beaurocracy (in connivance with politicians....). even road side gundas are kings due to police support. no person in MY country can be successful - just because of his/her ability. we all realise this fact still we dont do anything about it. why cant we grow at 20% an annum?? 'coz we dont think of ourselves as efficient enough. we all have to change our attitude and our adaptability. fight with the whole thing. lets joing hands.
Thu Dec 5 17:28:40 2002
Your Views:Please Ask Prof. Sebastian Morris from IIM Ahmedabad. His "9% GDP growth paper" has been a nightmare to understand for all us poor students, but it probably has an answer to "8% GDP growth" question.
Thu Dec 5 17:30:22 2002
Your Views:dear sir, if china can do why india can't do. further god is blessed a land which is very fertile (almost 60% of our land). the govt. has to identify some our areas where we are strong.say for example space research and satellite technology where our country is doing good work. govt. should try convert it into money by proper manufacturing and marketing of satellites.prof.udipi shrinivasa he is the head of sutra an organisation in Indian institute of science there he developed one fuel from the seeds of karanja tree (in tamil ponge tree, in kannada honge tree). this oil can be subsituted for diesel. there by can create a plenty of jobs and saving a huge amount of dollars. ganga-cauvery scheme which seems to be very attractive, govt should give priority to these types of projects. opening up of nuclear power sector , selling the railways, allowing the private in the infrastructure sector. although we have developed greatly in all the sectors after independence, our growth rate will be still faster if our govt. emphasise one child policy as rule (as in china).atlast we the indians should always have the thing in mind that the land is ours we should preserve it.
Thu Dec 5 17:31:23 2002
Your Views:The govts forecast seems very ambitious. Especially in connection with the slow reforms process. Govts slow go on the entire reforms process is bound to affect the FDI inflows. The investors subscribing to the wait and watch policy would definitely be put off by the slow off take of reforms. Another dampner is the fracas over the divestment policy. Yhe political bickerings that have put a full stop to the disinvestment process does not brood good for the country. If the govt is forced to sell only loss making PSUs then its bye bye to foreign investors. All these combined with the uncertain political atmosphere in certain states eg Gujarat is bound to affect the country's economic scenario.
Thu Dec 5 17:35:00 2002
Name:Ganesh Raghavan
Your Views:Personally I think that 8% economci growth can only be acheived if the givernment has the courgae and political backing to do the following: 1.) Cut down the mounting fiscal deficit 2.) Spend on building infrstrcuture 3.) Cut down on farm subsifdies 4.) Say an emphatic yes (not just in interviews and on TV shows)to PSU disinvestment 5.) Soften Interest rates further to fuel investement. More importantly India has made the biggest of blunders by mvoing from an agrarian absed economy to one thats driven my services. We have totally ignored the manufacturing industry which now lies in ruins. No economy today has acheived success by forgoing the need to have a strong and competitive manufacturing industry. Of course services is an area where India has unmatched potential. But we needs raods and bridges just as we need call centers and back office processing centers. Political consensus is another key area we need to look at if politicians are as concerned as they seem they should stop fighting over mundane issues and concentrate on building a stronger an d more vibrant India. India had everything except the crucuail WILL to proceed with touch reforms!
Thu Dec 5 17:35:19 2002
Your Views:very tough
Thu Dec 5 17:37:47 2002
Your Views:If we are able keep some liabilities like george fernandes,Murli manohar joshi away from decision making in eco. reform I think it is possible.
Thu Dec 5 17:38:26 2002
Your Views:this is possible, but we need to give manufacturing sector the due emphasis it deserves. i am sure, for this the government has to play the lead role. We need sound and long-term policies to encourage manufacturing. No economy has flourished based on service sector alone. Service sector has been playing dominant role only when the manufacturing is strong. In west also, it was manufacturing which kick started the economy and service sector came later to help the economy. China is the best example these days. only in short span of a decade china has done wonders through manufacturing activities that is led by its sound policies enacted by its communist government. We need such policies, but that looks distant dreams as our politicians are not wiiling to lead the way chinese leaders did, and that is the crucial point.
Thu Dec 5 17:38:37 2002
Your Views:Each and evry year at the time of Budget, we do fix our growth target but in between something or others always come in the way of indian economy to derail it. Is it that we do exaggerate about the growth in the beginning of the financial year or we do not do our job honestly to achieve that target. In any case the fault lies in us. Of course we can achieve provided we all share the responsibility with a dream to take the country at a newer height. If china can achieve why canot we having all the potantials of doing that. Natural disasters are always there but what about man-created one, puts hinder in the development and later we lament on that. Because we indians are more a non-follower religious fundalist, keep drumming about the religious in dangour slogan even if hundreds of Population are dying because of lack of basic needs but still non-sense religion is the dearest to all of us. Althoug few of us understand our respective religion but can die for it. Viva India. Viva joven de la India.
Thu Dec 5 17:39:35 2002
Your Views:NO. To achieve this growth target GOVT has to take some harsh decisions. Next two years are election years (first states and then parliament). Therefore, GOVT is not going to do anything which will be un-popular (tax rationalisation, subsidies, disinvestment etc.). We have already seen the noise on Kelkar committee report and mid-term review report. The reaction of opposition (and within ruling party itself) was a clear indication that next two years nothing concrete and progression is going to happen. So just wait for next Cong GOVT at center!
Thu Dec 5 17:41:32 2002
Your Views:sir, We are always trying to give promises with out due consideration and are have reasons to to why we have not not met the goal.Non-performing governments and non committed officials are the main reason for all these things apart from the mentioned problems.Even if thereis no problem at all these people may not achieve the set targets.Lack of discipline and no commitment are the reasons.we should have fire on our belly to achieve the targets what we have set for ourselves.
Thu Dec 5 17:41:45 2002
Your Views:no, its not at all possible to get a gdp growth rate of eight percent. government must save more money by reducing the expenditure made to each and every mla's and mp's in the way of their security transportaion vehicles etc, must invest more on studies and techonogies rather than in defence.
Thu Dec 5 17:43:04 2002
Your Views:yes, if we kick out all the corrupt politiicans and officers...
Thu Dec 5 17:44:03 2002
Name:Munna Bhai
Your Views:In my perspective, attaining growth is not so important, its all about giving it a try ... thats why mahatma gandhi said "participation is more important than winning"
Thu Dec 5 17:45:20 2002
Your Views:Yes definetely possible.
Thu Dec 5 17:46:22 2002
Name:Girish Kamath
Your Views:India is a classic case of immense lost potential. India has such hard working and brilliant people which U.S.A has harnessed to develop Intellectual Property and sell to the world. The BJP has made such a sincere attempt to put things in order, privatisation, Insurance sector reforms, Highways, telecom sector reforms, Securitization bill, etc. I feel that the next elections will be very crucial for India. India can achieve 8% if a sincere attempt is made by all politicians to come together and chalk out a plan, instead of fighting in Parliament.
Thu Dec 5 17:47:07 2002
Your Views:When ever an estimation is done we consider all the risks and their impact on the outcome. Today the Finance Miniter will tell 8% growth rate and then after 5yeard they will tell that "due to rains failing, border situation, oil price hike by the OPEC countries etc etc, we could not reach the 8% growth. Had not for these factors we would have definately achived the 8% growth." I do not think the Ministry has considered these risks in the process of evolving the growth rate. Also the way these people are governing it is not possible to achive that growth rate. We need a huge change in the way we work and do the business. The Indian Govt. clearly lacks that due to various factors. But I will be very happy if we can achive 8% growth. But the Govt. has not announced how exactly they can get into that figure.
Thu Dec 5 17:47:40 2002
Name:deepak kumar sarangi
Your Views:very hard to achieve the 8% gdp
Thu Dec 5 17:49:20 2002
Name:Anand Daga
Your Views:I believe that the target of 8% GDP growth (Our North Star) may appear difficult to achieve this year. But, until we keep tougher targets (and move in the direction of north star) it may not be possible to achieve anywhere near that. This should be taken as long term target setting and attempted. I agree to the political bickerings, global melt down, border tension(Uncontrolable), I feel the this year is not a case of failed mansoon but yes a case of delayed mansoon (Crop being delayed by 1-1.5 months). Positively, Industry had compensated for the same. For long term sustainability, it is important to have direction & attitute right and yes we can achieve it.
Thu Dec 5 17:50:16 2002
Name:sandeep sharma
Thu Dec 5 17:51:55 2002
Name:Marut Das
Your Views:Well its high time we reflect on the way we live. If educated people become gullible to political bickerings and contribute to hatred and rioting, we will never move ahead. One party has a stand, but there are other parties with double standards. Who is better? In this nation of a billion people we dont have a leader, only politicians.
Thu Dec 5 17:57:24 2002
Your Views:It is very difficult to achieve such a stiff target due to the existing political uncertainity, redtape, un-focused approach towards the crucial policy decisions.
Thu Dec 5 18:00:12 2002
Your Views:yes, 8 % growth is possible. And with india doing so well it is definitely achieve this target.
Thu Dec 5 18:04:22 2002
Your Views:condition of country is deterioting day by day. hope to gets its solution soon.
Thu Dec 5 18:04:42 2002
Name:Jyoti Pd. Bhatt
Your Views:No , this is not possible at all. The Indian politicians have this habit of projecting the targets a bit high.Let's not forget that all these datas look good on papers but when it comes to implement the policies Indian govt. is always found napping. When the current growth is only 5% how can one expect a 60% increase in GDP keeping in view that Indian Manufacturing Industry, Indian Retail Industry are not doing well.Also the agriculture sector depends on the nercy of rain Gods.With 70% of Indian population still earning its livlihood from agriculture which in turn has been neglected by the Govt. , I do not see any possiblity of India achieving a target of 8% GDP growth .Failure to achieve a concensus over the Disinvestment issue has only added to our woes. We need to learn some lessons from our neighbour , China , before commiting such spurt in GDP. We neeed a miracle to achieve that.
Thu Dec 5 18:06:33 2002
Name:Achintya Das
Your Views:Everything is possible. If there is a will there is a way. When neighboring country is achieving it, what is preventing us? Problem is with our commitment and not having enough passion to see our country progressing. We must reform quickly judiciary system so that all corrupt people are punished without any prolonged legal battle. When people will see the suffering of bad practice, dishonest people will have to reform themselves. It will take time but we will see the positive trend immediately. It will also help to attract good people in politics who are motivated and committed. This will make the change, paradigm shift.
Thu Dec 5 18:08:06 2002
Name:S. Sridhar
Your Views:Yes,it is very much possible. Firstly, self seeking politicians should stop changing colours. Hypocritic Congress people are now against Divestment now but they were the ones who were strong votaries not too long ago. Secondly, we need to have an economic team cutting across party lines to sell the concept into their parties and stop mudslinging at each other. This way, general public would not get misled as is happening now. With this out of the way, any Govt in power can be bold in taking decisions. Third, WTO decisions need to be implemented immediately. Fourth, we need to get out of the mindset of "protected" economies. For how mch longer should Government subsidise inefficiencies in Govt owned establishments ? Why should the Govt be in business - like Railways, Bus Services etc... privatise, introduce competition. People should be on their toes delivering services and no position should be taken for granted - it is because this did not happen that we are carrying excess baggage in Govt establishments. Tax payer base should be expanded - traders, merchants and agriculturalists should be included immediately (so many are wealthy!) Lets hope these happen...
Thu Dec 5 18:09:21 2002
Name:rakesh dhamija
Your Views:yes it is possible if following steps r taken : 1. liberalisation of power sector. Means privatetisation of distribution, transmission and production of power and reducing the govt interfrence to th minimum. 2. Govt spending more money on roads and education. 3. Liberalisation of sugar industry - no levy no govt interference or licencing. 4. liberalisation of agriculture. no control of movement of agricultural products within th country and govt spending more on solving water prob. 5.rationalisation of income tax, sales tax, custom and exise by reducing th no of slabs, by reducing th taxes, by reducing th no of benfits to different groups etc. 6. Further liberalisation of telecom by reucing th revenue share to 1% and giving licences for th whole country and not on state level and allowing all th services like mobile, std, isd, landline, paging under th same licence and no interfernce regardin th technology to be used. 7. Taking population control as th top priority either by incentives or fines.like no govt jobs for those having more than one child... 8. Privatisation of all th govt co.s In short here in th govt can help by doing less and doing only what it should do.
Thu Dec 5 18:10:47 2002
Name:Vikram Puranik
Your Views:Nothing in India is more difficult than this. With so much of revenue expenditure and fiscal indiscipline its impossible to acheive 8% growth.No permanent strategies for irrigation and water distribution means our agrobased economy will suffer due to draughts and famines.
Thu Dec 5 18:12:58 2002
Name:B.Venkoba Rao
Your Views:Aim high! Work hard! Marshal all your resources. Plan well! Root out corruption and PSU concepts. Focus on providing infrasturcture. Build good systems and procedures for implementation of projects. Growth rate of 8% is not unachievable. Dream first. Put the best foot forward. And march on. I am confident, we can do it.
Thu Dec 5 18:18:21 2002
Name:deepak karthikeyan
Your Views:for 8% growth we need high productivity from the core sector, high FDI and NRI inflows, high investor confidence and high trading volume.exports in core sector should increase.IT sector should grow at more that 60% bcos it will contribute a lot towards growth. agriculture should be given higher importance and high quality products should be aimed at. non conventinal farming such as horticulture and fisheries should be encouraged. disinvestment of loss making psu's should be completed within 6 months and private participation must be encouraged. subsidies should be reduced and NPA's recoverd. taxation should meet the marked demands, infrastructure development should get high priority. education should be given more importance. for achieving 8% we need all round growth and above all politicians should allow us to grow. i dont think that any politician even understands what 8% growth is except a knowledgable few..and one easy way of doin this is make politicians accountable. form parliamentary committee for growth monitoring in every sector and make them accountable if that sector does not grow faster.even i have the dream of seeing my country grow richer. will my dream come true.
Thu Dec 5 18:22:12 2002
Name:Shivkumar Singh
Your Views:This may not sound nice to say. But the democratic polity as it is practised in India today has failed miserably in economically uplifting the nation. I believe that we need to abrogate the constitution, impose biparty polity and create a conducive environ for educated and young leaders to emerge and take the country forward economically.
Thu Dec 5 18:27:03 2002
Name:Prasanna Chitturi
Your Views:Of course 8% is possible! Even 14-15% is possible. Free up the namufacturing sector to get a chunck of China's pie, kick-start the infratstructure sector to build powerplants and freeways (not flyovers and underpasses), liberalize (meaning remove huge taxes) the real estate and insurance sectors, liberalize the consumer sector (again remove taxes on things like airconditioners and other "non-essential" items) and you will see the economy zoom close to 20% growth rates.
Thu Dec 5 18:29:02 2002
Name:deepak karthikeyan
Your Views:for 8% growth we need high productivity from the core sector, high FDI and NRI inflows, high investor confidence and high trading volume.exports in core sector should increase.IT sector should grow at more that 60% bcos it will contribute a lot towards growth. agriculture should be given higher importance and high quality products should be aimed at. non conventinal farming such as horticulture and fisheries should be encouraged. disinvestment of loss making psu's should be completed within 6 months and private participation must be encouraged. subsidies should be reduced and NPA's recoverd. taxation should meet the marked demands, infrastructure development should get high priority. education should be given more importance. for achieving 8% we need all round growth and above all politicians should allow us to grow. i dont think that any politician even understands what 8% growth is except a knowledgable few..and one easy way of doin this is make politicians accountable. form parliamentary committee for growth monitoring in every sector and make them accountable if that sector does not grow faster.even i have the dream of seeing my country grow richer. will my dream come true.
Thu Dec 5 18:29:35 2002
Your Views:Possible. We have to be optimistic abt that. Everybody has a role to play for that. Atleast everybody should pay tax responsibly. And then there is another thing needed, good governance. Hard decisions has to be taken whether or not it will benefit any particular party. Divestment should be looked upon aggressively. Mainly there should be a broad view of the future(after 5 years or 10 years) rather than tomorrow's election manifesto. That's it. We already achieved, right!!!
More: 'Possible only if corruption is reduced'
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