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June 5, 2001
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Joharis hold 33% in Carlton Hotel: CBI probe

Pvt investments, FDI seem a mirage in power sector: CII: BS

Finance ministry nixes plan to provide Rs 32 bn to sick SFCs: BS

India to go to WTO against Brazil dumping duty: BS

BAT to toe ITC line on VST: BS

ITC seen unaffected by VST bidding outcome: Reuters

Rolta brand valued at Rs 12.20 billion: BS

Sabras merger helps boost Tata Chem net : BS

Tata Chemicals aims to become world No 1 in soda ash: Reuters

India drops strategic sale plan for SCI: Reuters

Tisco sees no cap on downsizing: Reuters

More bad news for Indian IT firms

IFC guarantee for Bharti Mobile bond issue

SEs pushed for 20 per cent band: BS

Centre drafts power scheme for 11th Plan: BS

Sebi upholds ban order on CSFB, Bang group: BS

No more free e-mails on mobiles for Bombayites: BS

UWB under Sebi microscope over Esop violations: BS

StanChart, Grindlays in rejig mode: BS

Global advisors get minimum fee guarantee: BS

Pathak: blazing a trail in wireless tech

Suicides shake India's broking community: Reuters

Govt mulls relaxing import norms

Aptech says US slowdown may hurt growth: Reuters

Ashok Leyland in German deal for gearbox: Reuters

Going seems tougher for Sify

Yashwant Sinha leaves for US

Mahesh Bhatt, Pritish Nandy to jointly produce films

It's business as usual at Balco: BS

Pritish Nandy Comm to foray into event management: BS

AXN's Survivor kneels down before Maneka's objections: BS

US-64 outflows exceed inflows in 11 months: BS

Choice of IDBI head still eludes Centre: BS

CII for flexibility in transfer pricing norms: BS

SBI blocks Lloyds restructuring plan: BS

Maharashtra withdraws advance bonus on cotton procurement: BS

DPC lenders' engineers push for phase II completion: BS

Bechtel stays, DPC lenders transfer funds to phase II: BS

JPC sets March 3 as probe cut-off date: BS

Govt to let pvt power be sold direct to consumer: Reuters

Power minister says to spruce up state power utilities: Reuters

SBI official in running for RBI post: Reuters

Another strike hits Qualis sales

Reservations over pricing of Daewoo's new cars

Star tells NDTV to beef up news content: BS

Bright Star beats Russell's VST bid; FIs hold the key: BS

BoB wants to be universal bank in 2 years: BS

Aptech shuts down subsidiary in Malaysia: BS

Enron lenders meet in Singapore on Tuesday: Reuters

Need to securitise SEB dues, says CII

Reva, India's 1st electric car, to hit roads by June-end

India plans mail-outs to woo power users to reform: Reuters

Tough times ahead for Britannia, say analysts

Ask DPC to pack off, demands Patkar

Rating firms may be judging India harshly: Reuters

Monsoons progressing on schedule: Reuters

Steel baron Mittal in Indian Airlines bid: Reuters

RBI to stop announcing back-stop fund rate: Reuters

Delhi high court rules that hospital is an industry

ADB mulls deal with West Bengal by July

Business News


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