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Questions L K Advani did not answer

ravikc (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:56 IST)
Advaniji, do you see any relationship in the fact the very states that the BJP hasn't gained popularity, are the same ones that the Congress has trouble with. Are the policies inherently similar?

vivek (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:57 IST)
Don't you think the so-called bureaucrats who are ruling India, are really doing utter injustice to the country by not letting the literary % improve just to satisfy their own needs and greed. Sycophancy has jumped to the core recently, and people are no more bothered about the integrity of the nation as a whole, but to only be complacent with their selfish attitudes.

Hindustani (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:57 IST)
Advanji, Vande Matarama and Jai Hind. Frankly, I am disappointed. Here there are some questions which are non-party based but you seem to be intent on answering only those which relate to elevating BJP. I hope you could address India first and then think of the BJP

cRK (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:57 IST)
What do you think about the government's Independent legislation. Have an all party meet to agree on reforms and put it in effect for 20 years. In this way we need not backtrack on reforms every time we have a change in govt.

Rajeev Kumar Saxena (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:57 IST)
Advaniji pranam. Why is your party not taking any initiative to do something against the misuse of Scheduled Cast Act ? What is your policy about this ? I am asking when you are the largest party at the national level as well as ruling in UP.

Indian (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:57 IST)
Advaniji, I am an Indian, and by no means a non-religious person. But still, I feel that dragging religious , caste, creed into the already corrupt and tainted Indian politics, adds yet another problematic face to the Indian politics. What do u have to say to it ?

dev (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:58 IST)
Advanji, how about selling India to Microsoft. Let them run the country. I am sure they will be better than you morons

ravikc (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:58 IST)
Ji, Are you happy with the progress that India has made in the last 50 years? You had a part to play in it being a prominent parliamentarian.

Venkat (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:58 IST)
Though reservations have been there for 50 years, we have not given them the basic education for them to avail of those benefits. I think reservations should be limited to one generation but not be removed as they do not have the resources to educate their children like we do.

bala (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:58 IST)
Dear Shri. Advaniji, what steps has the BJP govts. in Gujarat & Rajasthan taken to prevent day-to-day bribes that a common man/woman has to pay to get things done? (like getting a electricity connection, birth certificate etc?)

Tahseen Khateeb USA (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:58 IST)
Mr. Advani: In the last yatra you have been assuring Muslims that they need not be scared of BJP. Why the sudden realization on your part that Muslims' fears need to be allayed? Don't you think actions speak louder than the words? What plans do you have for the upliftment of Muslims in India?

Lal Krishna Advani (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:59 IST)
I agree with you, "Indian".

Hindustani (Fri Aug 15 1997 6:59 IST)
To all Indians Wish a very happy Independence day. With Hope we will celebrate the next 50 every year with lesser remorse than today. Mera Bharat Mahaan

BABRImasjid (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:0 IST)
After 1992, your party will assume power in Uttar Pradesh. What will be the fate of the Muslim people (no point using that useless word minority), the Babri Masjid site, and the Mathura and Kashi mosques?

ravikc (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:0 IST)
But sir, not many of the previous governments had any particular direction. Each have been just content with struggling to stay in power.

Hindustani (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:1 IST)
Advaniji, Perhaps the time has really come for the younger generation to pick up our arms and ring out the old and ring in the new.

Hindustani (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:2 IST)
Mr. Jain Is Advaniji answering our questions ????

BABRImasjid (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:2 IST)
After 1992, your party will assume power in Uttar Pradesh. What will be the fate of the Muslim people (no point using that useless word minority), the Babri Masjid site, and the Mathura and Kashi mosques?

Moin (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:2 IST)

NK (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:2 IST)
Happy I' day Advaniji. So what are your feelings on this golden day about the future of our nation? Do you think Indian politicians (incl. BJP) will ever start thinking about the nation rather than thinking about the party

JainV (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:2 IST)
Advaniji> I am a very, very strong supporter of you and the BJP. Why don't you and other BJP leaders tour South India extensively to make a good dent there ? I want BJP in power.

Madhur (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:2 IST)
Advaniji, I guess most here are in a situation where we all agree that India does have problems and may be we have had some efficient politicians who have really highlighted the issues. I strongly believe that the time now requires for action rather than more yatras to study situations. Looking at the BJP which seems to be the only option for to lead this democracy, I would like to know what your role will be, other than politicking around and taking more active part in controversial areas rather than contributing to the country

shankar (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:2 IST)
What are your views on the Mandal commission? I remember that you did not bring the VP Singh government down on the issue of Mandal when many young people were dying. But you did bring the government down, when your rath yatra was stopped. What are your views now on Mandal?

Havalascam (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:4 IST)
Advaniji, what do you think about our defence policies. Should we go in for the so-called nuclear option? What are your views on the deployment of Agni and Prithvi missiles on the border. Mulayam Singh Yadav seems to be misleading the nation on the matter.

BlastedSecularist (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:5 IST)
Did you say that Laloo was caught with his hands in the till ? It is my understanding that the fodder scam was masterminded by one Mr. Sinha (a upper-caste). I thought you, of all people, should know that a person should not be condemned till he has gone through full process of the law. Or do you have some inside information on what the judgement is going to be ?

vivek (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:5 IST)
Will handing over public autonomy to the press and the media solve to a certain extent, the corruption in India ??

Viraat (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:6 IST)
Don't you think that political parties have an obligation towards the nation and society at large? That public service can be performed only when one adorns the throne is by no means a digestible idea. Shouldn't the political parties be forced to prove their social credentials in terms of societal, grassroot level work rather than their smartness in politicking.

In light of the argument that we are a political party and as our end objective is coming to power, we will murder if we can get away with it, is a very unpalatable state of affairs. I am not able to understand that how can coming to power be an end, at best it can only be means. And if the end is something else, coming to power may not be the only available option. Could you expound?

Venkat (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:6 IST)
What do you think of the recent pay commission giving themselves a hike of more than 15000 crores (150 billion) a year, which is more than that allotted to literacy, healthcare, and education. Will your party cut down the bureaucracy if it comes to power or the same old licking up to the bureaucracy?

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:6 IST)
Mr Advani-It must be very difficult to answer most of the questions on this chat-Can we have your email please?

Rajeev Kumar Saxena (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:6 IST)
What has your party done for Hindus migrated from Jammu and Kashmir ?

dev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:6 IST)
Ji, how can you guys work with a goonda like Thackeray. Don't you have any morals. I think the Shiv Sena is spoiling BJP's image

Tahseen Khateeb USA (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:6 IST)
Vivek: Let me answer. What do you call a selfish attitude? The attitude of upper caste to lower caste is selfish and vice versa. Think of the same Hindu Vs Minorities, Men VS Women, Judiciary Vs Legislature, Centre Vs States and one political party Vs another.

Venkat (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:8 IST)
Why is your party supporting the pay commission's report when most of them are unhappy except for the IAS, and especially the armed forces ?

Havalascam (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:9 IST)
What were you doing at this moment fifty years ago. What was the contribution of the RSS in the struggle for Indian independence???

Rajeev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:10 IST)
Advaniji, in retrospect, do you think Sardar Patel would have been better of alive than dead for at least a few more years. Do you agree that as a nation perhaps we lack focus and direction because of lack of discipline. Perhaps compulsory military training in schools is an answer. This means compulsory schooling also

ravikc (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:10 IST)
JI, is the resurgence of Vande Mataram and the repeated reference to Bose a reflection of militant times? (I regard Bose and the song very highly)

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:11 IST)
Mr LKA-What is your agenda for the betterment of India?

dev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:12 IST)
Havala: RSS's contribution to India.
Ans: They killed Mahatma Gandhi

Rajeev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:13 IST)
LR, that was my next question. Also what is the BJP policy on economic reforms. Will they continue. what changes would a BJP govt. bring in

zelda (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:13 IST)
Advaniji: Please give us a sign that you are still there!! Maybe there should be more private servers so that we can use the Internet as it is supposed to be!!

Rajeev Kumar Saxena (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:13 IST)
Advaniji Are you there. I sent two questions but not getting answer of any of them.

JainVK (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:13 IST)
ADVANIJI> I am a strong supporter of you and BJP. I saw you in Delhi in 1990 in Rath Yatra when you came to Jain temple near Red Fort. I want you in power with a thumping majority. Why don't you and other BJP leaders tour south India extensively to make a good dent there.

BlastedSecularist (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:13 IST)
Mr. Advani: Mr. Chidambaram has articulated his aims for economic policy very well on the Rediff Chat. Frankly I am confused about what exactly the economic policies of both the BJP and Congress are. I am sure residents abroad would especially appreciate your articulating them here.

Rajeev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:15 IST)
Advaniji, in retrospect, do you think Sardar Patel would have been better of alive than dead for at least a few more years. Do you agree that as a nation perhaps we lack focus and direction because of lack of discipline. Perhaps compulsory military training in schools is an answer. This means compulsory schooling also. 2. Also what is the BJP policy on economic reforms. Will they continue. what changes would a BJP govt. bring in. Or will this govt. also say that it's hands are tied. 3. Do you think that eligibility of MP & MLA need to more strict. Stuff like criminal background, educational qualifications, age (upper side), no of kids etc.

Venkat (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:16 IST)
Advaniji, As you are not able to answer most of the questions please give us an email or postal address where we can ask you questions and give you suggestions.

Rajeev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:17 IST)
BJP policy on economic reforms please

RAJ (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:17 IST)
Mr Advani, What are your and BJP's plans to educate the 50 percent people who are uneducated and how is your party going to address the issue of lower caste?

Rajeev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:18 IST)
yes sir perhaps you would like the youth of the country to be involved. Perhaps you could like to guide us. Or are we already too many for you

Havalascam (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:18 IST)
What are your party's chances of coming to power in the state of Bihar? Will Kalyan Singh assume the mantle in UP after Ms Mayawati's six months in office?? Or would your party like to keep the BSP in good humour assuming that general elections are round the corner??

Venkat (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:18 IST)
In AP we consider the BJP a brahmin and bania party except in Hyderabad city. How do you expect to remove that image and gain some seats in the south ?

bala (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:19 IST)
In Delhi/Rajasthan, what has your governments done to stop day-to-day bribes to get electricity connection/birth certificates?

Rajeev Kumar Saxena (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:19 IST)
Advani ji It seems that you are trying to avoid some complex questions like on the Scheduled Caste Act , J & K etc. Why...You don't have any clear policy on these ?

why (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:19 IST)
Vande mataram, Mother India, bunkum. A clump of unrelated states forced together don't make a country. And using such personificatory injunctions to sway the masses is smart but not very honest. But should we expect better considering even that the BJP bastardised even the pic of M G to resemble you at A K Maidan. That, when your mentors never did anything for the struggle.

JainVK (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:19 IST)
Advaniji> Please take steps to capture South India and North-East. Then only you will be able to form government. BJP is the only hope for India.

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:20 IST)
Mr LKA-These Yatras that U take so often. Do they help & how have they bettered your status as a GENUINELY good leader.

prasan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:21 IST)
What is the biggest drawback of your party

JainVK (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:22 IST)
Everyone> Guys, please ask important questions only and to-the-point only.

Tahseen Khateeb USA (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:22 IST)
Boy, people here are becoming increasingly aggressive and Mr. Advani is becoming increasingly evasive.

ravikc (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:22 IST)
Advaniji, Nice hearing you talk. I have to leave now to attend a flag hoisting ceremony. Jai Hind!!

Imran (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:22 IST)
Are u or your party communal, if its not then why do you take that stance always

zelda (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:22 IST)
Advaniji, let the dead past bury its dead! Tel us what YOU and your party are going to do to see that there is no Bigotry, Hindu Fundamentalism and Corruption in the India of the future? Tell us why anyone should vote for you?

Rajeev Kumar Saxena (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:23 IST)
What has your party done for Hindus migrated from Jammu and Kashmir ?

Rajeev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:23 IST)
Advaniji, Where have we gone wrong in the last 50 yrs ?

Havalascam (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:24 IST)
Advaniji, don't you have any answers to my questions? Wouldn't you like to answer them?

Imran (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:24 IST)
You can devise methods and ways to win their trust. Come on, convince me to trust you now

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:24 IST)
MR LKA-The indigenous industrial base that U r talking about destroying by introducing globalisation, is nothing to be proud about. We R nowhere, when it comes to making even razor blades & biscuits. Stop this nonsense of praising industrialists who do not deserve it.

why (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:24 IST)
Golwarkar had famously fallen back on his bed, saying, 'See, I am sick', when Subhash Chandra Bose sought his aid. And, of course, you know that one of your mentor's men killed Gandhi. Of course, as Thackeray says, it was a laudable thing, considering it was an old man who touted non-violence that Godse shot dead.

Ramana (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:25 IST)
Namaskar Advaniji : Congratulations on your successful completion of the Swarna Jayanti Yatra. What do you see in India's future : technologically, socially and culturally. Thank You, Sir.

zelda (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:25 IST)
ravikc: Zhanda ooncha rahe hamara! Have fun, out here in India, It is past the time to furl the flag for the night!

Questions L K Advani did not answer