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Questions L K Advani did not answer

prasan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:27 IST)
Do U think only for Hindus ?

BlastedSecularist (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:27 IST)
Mr Advani: You have often spoken of the BJP's preference for a 'private but centrally controlled economy'. Can you explain what this is, especially the 'control' part ? How does it square with dismantling the permit Raj ? Would it be used to discredit politically inconvenient state govts such as those led by low-caste politicians ? I hope you consider the question important as unity of the country may be imperiled by such moves.

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:28 IST)
Mr LKA-Was your reply to mine an attempt at SARCASM or was your reply out of conviction.

why (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:28 IST)
And your current follower, Romila Thapar, too had stated in her book that Hinduism is a hotch-potch of cults. Of course, later she touted the Aryan supremacy ideology to say Aryans actually went from India to the West, not the other way. How come such intelligent people as you and Thapar wallow in such pointless bias. Or is it profit you seek?

Imran (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:29 IST)
Convince Me Mr Advani,

JainVK (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:30 IST)
Advaniji> Indians are proud of you. You are doing a great service to the country. In USA, all Indians support BJP overwhelmingly. I wish you a very long life. Please keep the march on...

Imran (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:30 IST)
And if you did that you will be a step closer to win trust among the Muslims

Rajeev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:31 IST)
Advaniji, Do you think we need tougher laws to protect the younger generation. laws against smoking and drinking. I am aghast at the no. of discos and bars opening up in major cities. specially in Bombay. (I am a Bombayite and shall remain so.) The BJP-SS govt. seems to encourage the disco bar development as it gets revenue. Perhaps you would care to go to one and see young girls absolutely sozzled and become easy prey out there. Isn't this the destruction of our culture and heritage?

Rajeev Kumar Saxena (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:31 IST)
Advaniji Are you there. I sent two questions but did not get an answer to any of them.

sanju (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:32 IST)
advaniji.. Wish you a happy independence day. Well, am from US, so it's just 15th here now.

why (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:33 IST)
You may not believe me but I have nothing against or for you, or for that matter against any political bias. What I am shocked by is the hate your groups spawn, the people who died in those deplorable riots. I saw it then. I don't want to see it again.

L K Advani (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:33 IST)
I am a HINDU and will remain a Hindu. In 1984, the politics against Sikhs was played by congress I only and I promise that people like H.K.L. Bhagat will have to sit on the swords one day.

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:33 IST)

clinton (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:35 IST)
I think BJP should come to power now. They also should be given the chance to screw things up. what do you think, LKjee

prasan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:36 IST)
But does the Hinduism teach us to divide people on base of religion, a Hindu without humanity can't be a real Hindu

Indian (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:36 IST)
Advani ji, maybe I can agree with you that Hinduism is more tolerant than its counterparts - But as u said , the ideological approach of a party draws people towards it. Then, lemme ask U one thing, most of the people, I believe, who support BJP, belong to the intelligensia group (of Hindus) ,and I personally believe that although they outnumber any other forms or groups, religions, they will not be sufficient to bring u in power (as it has borne out in the past). So y don't u go for something more acceptable to the general mass (not as hindus or muslims but as Indians). Another thing I wanted to ask u is, that your Party's image is not what U wd like it to be , out here in the Western Press - they term u as the "Hindu Militant Party"(probably, after the Babri incident). So in all probablity, there might be a chance that the Cos out here might think twice b4 investing in India. What measures u intend 2 take ,2 allay their fears ?

Rajeev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:37 IST)
Advaniji, time to go to work here in the US perhaps you would like to have an e-mail acct. Seems either you are evading our questions or you are not able on answer them. I do have a suggestion perhaps to get a more mass appeal from Indians outside India your party could care to put up a web page and perhaps put everything there in Black and White. Namaskar and Jai Hind. Once more Vande Mataram.

NRI Swamiji (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:37 IST)
ji, what have your govts. in delhi/rajasthan done to stop day-to-day bribes (like to get electricity connection/birth certificate etc.)?

L K Advani (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:38 IST)
prasan, if you do not know the definition of Hinduism , I do not think, you have a right to chat with me.

Why (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:38 IST)
There was this old Muslim woman who was leaving her slum Bombay. She wasn't alone. And there was fear on her face. When I, out of pity -- pity, the real thing, not decided by my company's ad department -- offered to carry her bag, she refused. She feared me, seeing me and knowing that my confidence came from being a Hindu, immune from attack of the people around. If that is what being a Hindu means, spare me, LKA. I rather be in hell with humanity than in heaven with a murderous God

Rakshan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:38 IST)
Sir, What are the plans of senior and experienced leaders like you to remove the caste based allocations in INdia in the future

Imran (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:38 IST)
U hv not responded to my simple question Advaniji, does it seem tough for you to win trust among the Minorities today or you / ur party dont wish to do so and are happy with the Hindu votebank

Viraat (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:38 IST)
What do you think, is the biggest challenge Democracy as an institution faces from India?

Sant (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:39 IST)
Shree Advaniji, Could you tell us about Bhajpa's plan for gaining ground in the South, Hyderabad was with BJP but something went wrong miserably and nobody seems to know about you in any Southern India.

CrK (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:39 IST)
Advaniji don't condemn prasan. Freedom is the right do say wrong. But not the right to do wrong.

Govindarajan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:39 IST)
Mr LKA, how do you expect people to have faith in a system which lets a person who instigated killing of 2000 sikhs to remain scotfree

sanjeevk (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:39 IST)
Mr Advaniji, Why are politicians so much embroiled in petty issues, that no one discusses technology, internet etc in parliament/assemblies. This gives bureaucrats a free run on technological issues. Don't you think these issues are more critical.

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:39 IST)
Mr LKA-Would U declare KASHMIR as non-negotiable, if U come to power, especially with Pakistan.?

Indian (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:39 IST)
Advani Ji, I asked the second question, supposing that if ur party came to power.....Sorry for the inconvenience at figuring it out......

Why (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:41 IST)
Keep your temples. I won't steep my feet in their bloody recesses. Ram Rajya, my foot. I believed you. You are no better, no worse, than the congress, the jd, the whatever else they change their names to.

Imran (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:41 IST)

Viraat (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:41 IST)
Advaniji, I think that all systems are contextual and amenable to change. If we as a nation are not able to operate with these systems probably there is a need to look into possibilities of systemic changes. Will you agree...

Govindarajan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:41 IST)
Mr LKA, how do you expect people to have faith in a system which lets a person who instigated killing of 2000 sikhs to remain scotfree

Rakshan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:42 IST)
Countries like US consider only the merit and talent and they allow them to perform in their country, irrespective of the country from which they are. Why can't we do in our country with our people who have enormous talent?

L K Advani (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:44 IST)
Namaskar and Jai Hind and Vande Mataram to all of you for chatting with me. Now with my name 'L K Advani', Mr. Atal Bihari Ji will answer your questions. Once again, Jai Hind, Be a Hindu.

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:44 IST)
MR LKA-U have so many questions to answer-Do U need my email-so that I can exit now.?

JainVK (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:44 IST)
Advaniji> I think Rajesh Pilot is unhappy with Congress. Why not to woo these Congress leaders who are good enough to join BJP ?

sanjeevk (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:46 IST)
Why are the likes of Laloo/Arun Gawli allowed into the political system. BJP has some known criminals loitering around as MLA's. Don't you think they have the potential to be Laloo's of tomorrow. Why we never hear about any correction on this.

Viraat (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:46 IST)
Why>> The responsibility of running a nation cannot be entrusted with a few puny politicians do u suggest an alternative? If not, then may i let u know that grousing and complaining are most efficient products of indolence.

prasan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:47 IST)

Eli (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:47 IST)
Advaniji, don't you think it's better to be a human being first and then try to be a Hindu or Muslim?? Religion is a very personal thing. Misuse of religion for political gains is not only despicable but also demeaning the religion itself. I wish as a national leader, you would develop a more tolerant attitude towards religions other than Hinduism. The Babri-Masjid issue is really a big black mark in India's history.

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:47 IST)
Mr LKA-R U Still with us or have decided to go home a Gowda did the other day.?

Tahseen Khateeb USA (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:47 IST)
Wow! First Saxena and then Prasan, Mr. Advani is losing his temper. I did not know Mr. Advani was a short tempered man. Not a good sign for a politician. If you don't care for people they would not care for you (I mean not vote for you).

Rakshan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:48 IST)
What do you say about the allocation of seats in professional colleges based on caste? By this, students with merit are suffering and so they leave the country and this is going to degrade the economy of India . What is your comment on this Advaniji?

Govindarajan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:48 IST)
How different is the BJP from the cong or JD? How do u explain Gujarat and Delhi 'revolts'?

JainVK (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:48 IST)
Vajpayeeji> Welcome. I am a very very staunch supporter of BJP and Shiv Sena. When I was in Delhi in 1990, I bunked my office and went to see Advani's Rath near Red Fort. Currently I am in USA planning to return India soon.

L K Advani (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:48 IST)
Namaskar, main Atal Bihari Sachhe dil se aap sab ko swantrata divas par lakhon badhai deta hoon.

Indian (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:48 IST)
Vande Matarm, Vajpayee Ji. I was asking Advani ji, about the impression that BJP has given to the Western Press Out here - as a "Hindu Militant Party"(which , probably aggreviated after the babri incident). Now, if ur party were to come into power, are u going to go back on ur "Hindutva" stance to allay their fears (and hence attract investment from here), or r u going to take some other measures to improve ur image?

M (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:49 IST)
Mr. Advani, I hope you and your party can awaken the people of Bengal who have fallen into the morass of Communism. Communism did serve its purpose though. It solved many social problems in Bengal and Kerala which still exist in many other states. But it also turned many people atheists. Those people (who have Hindu roots and names) hate to call themselves Hindus. That is why they have forgotten all Hindu philosophies and slowly becoming poor. These people are idealistic. They had an ideal in communism. They have to be given an ideal in being Nationalism.

bala (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:49 IST)
ji, what have your govts. in delhi/rajasthan done to stop day-to-day bribes (like to get electricity connection/birth certificate etc.)?

prasan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:50 IST)
vajpeyee ji, why do u like to praise even your rivals

Eli (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:50 IST)
Be a human being first. Develop a tolerant attitude. Try to see all the people as equal. That is a part of Hinduism. There is no point shouting "I am a Hindu" all the time.

L K Advani (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:50 IST)
Tahseen Khateeb, do not try to be smart, otherwise , U know, we are real BJP guys

BlastedSecularist (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:51 IST)
Mr. Advani: I am still here waiting eagerly for your clarification on the ' centrally controlled economy' that you advocate.

Sant (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:51 IST)
Advaniji, What do you have to say about the daylight killing of Gulshan Kumar, whats your govt doing to nab underworld dons and criminals ?? Please Say something on the nexus between our stupid Police - Selfish and dirty politicians who will sell the country just for the sake of kursi !!!!!

Tahseen Khateeb USA (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:52 IST)
Rediff! it is unfair to us and Vajpai to have him chat as L K Advani. Vajpai has his own identity and a point of view not always in tune with LK Advani's. So let Atal Bihari Vajpai login in his won name.

jagu (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:52 IST)
One of the major issues faced by the nation is corruption. This is vindicated by the latest opinion polls conducted by India Today. The BJP has taken the correct stand in this issue when even major leaders like Mr Advani and Mr Khurana resigned when there were only mere allegations against them(unlike people like Lallo). But dont you think that it will send wrong signals to the BJP rank and file when these leaders are not reinstated when they are proved innocent??

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:52 IST)
Redifindia-How many LKAs R we chatting with at this moment?. & who is the real one?

Rakshan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:53 IST)
Ji, religion is a way of life with a strong belief in the almighty. Why should one mix religion with politics?

bala (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:53 IST)
ji, what have your govts. in delhi/rajasthan done to stop day-to-day bribes (like to get electricity connection/birth certificate etc.)?

Gururaj (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:53 IST)
Advaniji.. On the day 50th year of independence, I see India being ruled in such a bad shape that we still have 50 more years to catch up with countries like USA. What do you think your Govt will do if voted to power to speed up in this race to become a recognised developed country?

bala (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:53 IST)
Way to go, Rakshan!

bala (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:54 IST)
ji, what have your govts. in delhi/rajasthan done to stop day-to-day bribes (like to get electricity connection/birth certificate etc.)?

L K Advani (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:54 IST)
prasan, I think that is the first rule of real Politics to praise... do you understand me. A.B. vajpeyee

bala (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:54 IST)
ji, what have your govts. in delhi/rajasthan done to stop day-to-day bribes (like to get electricity connection/birth certificate etc.)?

sanjeevk (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:55 IST)
Atalji, 2 questions. 1. Why are criminals allowed into the political system. Now that we have seen Mr. and Mrs. Laloo enact thier drama, what is bieng done to discourage such elements. 2. Why do we never hear politicians talking about tecchnological issues. Does this not give the beaurocrats a free run on taxpayers money.

Rajeev Kumar Saxena (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:55 IST)
Advani ji Pranam. Why is your party not taking any initiative to do something against the misuse of Scheduled Cast Act ? What is your policy about this ? I am asking when you are the largest party at the national level as well as ruling in UP.

sanjeevk (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:55 IST)
Atalji, 2 questions. 1. Why are criminals allowed into the political system. Now that we have seen Mr. and Mrs. Laloo enact thier drama, what is bieng done to discourage such elements. 2. Why do we never hear politicians talking about tecchnological issues. Does this not give the beaurocrats a free run on taxpayers money.

prasan (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:55 IST)

JainVK (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:55 IST)
Vajpayeeji> As I suggested to Advaniji, please do your best to capture South-India and North-East. Please make an army of BJP supporters in South. Recruit for BJP membership. Please tour South India extensively, every village, every town.

bala (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:55 IST)
ji, what have your govts. in delhi/rajasthan done to stop day-to-day bribes (like to get electricity connection/birth certificate etc.)?

bala (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:56 IST)
ji, what have your govts. in delhi/rajasthan done to stop day-to-day bribes (like to get electricity connection/birth certificate etc.)?

Srikanth (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:56 IST)
Advaniji, Why are you making so many Rath-Yatra's You can use or donate the money for some social organisations so that that money can be used to feed the poor and the destitute

bala (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:56 IST)
i, what have your govts. in delhi/rajasthan done to stop day-to-day bribes (like to get electricity connection/birth certificate etc.)?

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:57 IST)
Mr LKA-Strange Is'nt it? Indians have better opportunities to grow outside,rather than within.This is pathetic & U politicians still want to try to rule us.

HarishR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:57 IST)
Namaskar, Advaniji

Rajeev (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:57 IST)
Is Vajpayjee also in the chat

Tahseen Khateeb USA (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:58 IST)
Folks! See Mr. Advani's response to me. Surely, an association with Shiv Sena, VHP & Bajrang Dal has rubbed on him. Or is BJP showing its true colors? Thanks god, I am safe in the USA. Otherwise, Mr. Advani would have killed me for requesting not to get mad at the questions posed by some of the people here.

Sant (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:58 IST)
Advani ji or Atal ji, please answer on how you will handle the law and order situation. It was frightening to listen to news like daylight killing of Gulshan Kumar and how easily the murderers escaped on foot, What is your govt doing ????? What steps did you take to nab the culprits ? Do you agree there is a nexus between UNDERWORLD DONS - POLICE and POLITICIANS ?

Imran (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:58 IST)
That was good Vajpayee Saab, I agree that Muslims have not grown to an equal level as others have done. So is it difficult for you to convince me? Since before going out one needs to have his place in order, the mindset among the Muslims needs to be changed, but after the Babri issue, it is a next to impossible task. U have said one thing, ur party people propagate something else, I mean this will really confuse them and your message won't get across, I would suggest something, that ur present govts in state should do a great job. I mean not appease them but something by which all Muslims look up to your party not as a saviour but as leadership. Doing something means that obviously not repeating a fiasco like Babri but something worthy enuf

LR (Fri Aug 15 1997 7:58 IST)
Mr LKA-It is not only strange but SHAMEFUL too & You expect us to be assured by DEMOCRACY.

Why (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:0 IST)
Notice, Nero does not answer. Or would it be Lady Macbeth, too busy washing her hands? I won't forget those screams, those long-drawn cry of the dying -- god knows men or women -- from those Jogeshwari chawls in Bombay. They were dying there because you wanted a pile of rubble; actually because you wanted power. I never knew horror before and never since. There are patches of blood in those chawls, maintained as reminders of a need for revenge. Thank you for giving me enemies that weren't mine. Thanks for the ruins that then was my city. I have left and if you are the future I don't want to come back

sanjeevk (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:2 IST)
Tahseen Khateeb> Thank God you are in the USA
