On Wednesday, the White House named Dhanurjay ‘DJ’ Patil, 45, its first chief data scientist and deputy chief technology officer for data policy. Or simply, its chief data scientist.......
The challenge is to go out and do something different; not one more 'application' to download, not one more 'Angry Birds', a YouTube sensation. Something is changing yet again in the innovation......
Don Mattrick, the head of Microsoft's Xbox business who will replace Zynga founder Mark Pincus as chief executive next week, will get a hefty, largely stock-based compensation package of about $50......
Internet entrepreneur Mark Pincus plans to sell another plush property in San Francisco for $1.97 million.Photographs, courtesy: Realtor.com Click NEXT to read more...For Rediff Realtime News, click...
Zynga Inc's decision to bring in the head of Microsoft Corp's Xbox business to replace founder Mark Pincus is a bold stroke that was hailed on Wall Street, but it still leaves questions as to who......
It's debatable whether going back in time -- twice in a span of four years -- by bringing back a once-proven leader at the top is the correct thing to do when Infosys desperately needs to be made......
The $9.5 billion Nokia deal was the last in a string of bad deals struck by Chief Executive Satya Nadella's predecessor, Steve Ballmer. Microsoft just got a $7.6 billion wakeup......