A whopping Rs 62,476 crore has been "illegally" transferred by smartphone maker Vivo to China in order to avoid payment of taxes in India, the Enforcement Directorate said Thursday, as it claimed......
Indian golfer Jyoti Randhawa opened strongly with a two-under 68 to be placed at tied 17th after the first round of UBS Hong Kong Open at the Hong Kong Golf club on Thursday. Randhawa dropped just......
Defending champion Gaurav Ghei hopes to battle his way through the strong Japanese fieldand defend his title at the Pine Valley Beijing Open which tees off on Thursday. Ghei enjoyed his third......
India's latest golf sensation S S P Chowrasia believes that he is ready to take another shot at glory and cement his place amongst the game's elite at this week's Volvo China Open. The talented......
After barely making the cut, Gaurav Ghei , the lone Indian in the fray, slipped further down to tied 60th spot after the third round in the two-million dollar Volvo China Open in Shanghai on......
Arjun Singh, who lost his Asian Tour card last year after holding it for six years since 1997, gave himself a fair chance of getting back into the fold with a tied eighth place finish at the USD......