The Subhash-Chandra promoted Zee Telefilms on Monday bagged a $40 million deal from Mondo TV, Europe's second-largest animation channel, for developing animation content in India. The project will......
Zee Telefilms bagged a $5 million animation content development deal from Mallard TV, a television channel in Scotland. The project will be executed by Zee Institute of Creative Arts, a group......
It's a Rs 3,000 crore industry and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 50 per cent. It comprises around 300 studios, employs 12,000 professionals and has been involved in Hollywood blockbusters such......
India's animation sector is witnessing a major boom. Overseas entertainment giants like Walt Disney, Imax and Sony are increasingly outsourcing cartoon characters and special effects to India.......
'All businesses have to be run for business, for profits on a sustainable basis.''It may sound old school, but then I have been in business for 32 years and you can't change an old tiger's......
'I got the script of OMG: Oh My God and I believed in it so much that I quit my job.' 'Singh Is Bliing was a success but it was not a film that made a difference.' Meet Ashvini......
The first thing that strikes you about Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi is his immense knowledge of Indian history and literature. His eyes light up and his voice becomes animated as he......