As Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath seeks another shot at power in his first ever assembly election from Gorakhpur Urban, also underway is a silent re-branding of the Hindu Yuva Vahini, a radical......
An FIR has been registered against an office-bearer of the Hindu Yuva Vahini for allegedly posting derogatory remarks hurting religious sentiments on social media, police said on Friday. The FIR......
Three activists of the Hindu Yuva Vahini, an organisation floated by Yogi Adityanath, were arrested in Bareily on charges of gangrape and thrashing a police officer. The incident took place on......
The Hindu Yuva Vahini, which was formed nearly two decades ago to spread the message of nationalism among youths but was almost dormant for the past few years, has become active again to canvass......
A first information report has been registered against six members of the Hindu Yuva Vahini over allegedly killing a Muslim man for his role in the elopement of a Hindu girl in Bulandshahr in......