Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, known to be tech-savvy, on Friday interacted with netizens through live video-chat on 'Google+ Hangout', the first prominent Indian political leader to do so.......
'Who can motivate and appeal to the young and idealistic who are willing to work hard to create an India that matches their ambitions? Who is their role model?' 'Someone like Modi who has worked......
On Friday, Road Transport Minister C P Joshi will join the list of public figures who have interacted with the public through multi-person video chat, Google Hangout.The ministry said in a......
Lakshman Sharma has been on Google+ since it was launched in July. Ask him how many times he logs on to the social networking site, and he says "Once in 2-3 days."Sharma, who mainly uses Google+ to......
It will compete with rivals Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ After delayed entry into India’s fast-growing cloud services market, information......
After Apple's high profile iCloud fiasco, Google is the latest cybercrime victim with Russian hackers posting usernames and passwords of close to five million Google accounts online. The list was......
Google's latest offering 'Google Plus' is steadily gaining ground in the social networking space, so far dominated by Facebook, with the internet giant's social network attracting about 20 million......