Pawan Kumar Soni, a 55-year-old farmer based in Sri Ganganagar City in Rajasthan, became a victim of a cyber fraud when his 26-year-old son Harsh Vardhan opened a link from a phishing message that......
'Health and motor insurance will continue to be our two most important segments' Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ With the general insurance industry seeing a slowdown, SBI General Insurance......
'You will see him frequently asking customers -- especially retail -- about service experience, pain points, areas of improvement and suggestions.' IMAGE: State Bank of India Managing Director C S......
'They have since only tried to improve systems. Also, with regulatory guidance from time to time, we are in a position to assess a situation and react in time.' Photograph: Rupak De......
The country's largest lender SBI on Saturday reported a 9.13 per cent rise in consolidated net profit to Rs 16,099.58 crore for the September quarter, weighed down by money it had to set aside for......
'This year in the first half we had profits of more than Rs 31,000 crore.' 'We have a plan to plough back a significant amount of profits this financial year.' 'We have seen this organic plough......