Yaamirukka Bayamey is a well-executed horror comedy that revolves around four eccentric characters and their hilarious attempts to run a guesthouse at a haunted mansion, writes S Saraswathi.......
Kavalai Vendam may not be high on logic, but watch it for its wacky moments and mindless entertainment, says S Saraswathi. After the hilarious horror comedy Yaamirukka Bayamey, director......
Tamil film Vanmham really tests your patience, says S Saraswathi.Jai Krishna, a former assistant of Kamal Haasan, makes his directorial debut with an action drama titled Vanmham, which means......
Director Sundar C lets his fans down with his cliché supernatural thriller Aranmanai, rants S Saraswathi. Director Sundar C experiments with the horror genre in his latest film, Aranmanai, a......
This Friday will see two Kannada movies at the marquee, both directed by newcomers. Rustic love story Love In Mandya, stars Neenasam Satish and Sindhu, and is directed by Arasu......