Mahindra launched the XUV500 Sportz Limited Edition at Rs 13.85 lakh, ex-Showroom, New Delhi. Based on the top-end W8 model (FWD), only 1,000 units of the special edition will be made. Compared to......
Maruti Suzuki India may have taken pride in its 'Gypsy' model with defence forces as its main customers but Mahindra & Mahindra vice-chairman and MD Anand Mahindra has likened it to a rabbit......
Mahindra & Mahindra, has planned to double production capacity of its indigenously developed sports utility vehicle, the XUV500, to expand presence in European and Australian markets. Touted as......
Bruce Lee, Russell Crowe in The Gladiator, Spiderman, a waterfall, combat helicopters and the cheetah are unlikely to ever be on the same storyboard, not even in a comic book. Yet, they were all......
Homegrown auto major Mahindra & Mahindra on Thursday launched its global sports utility vehicle, XUV500, at an introductory price between Rs 10.8 lakh and Rs 11.95 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi). Click......