'It is a great misfortune that the Nehruvian Stalinists of India have colluded with the grand project of demeaning and destroying Sanskrit.' 'Today, the number of Sanskritists in India is low, and......
'The real test will be in defence-related deals, for instance the Javelin anti-tank missile: Is the US willing to co-develop something with India, on terms that will support the 'Make in India'......
Controversy is raging in California regarding textbooks on Indian history with academicians alleging that changes made on the behest of Hindu organisations have resulted in hiding 'true......
The Hindu American Foundation upped the ante in its teach-real-Hinduism in American schools campaign by announcing it has hired a law firm to represent it in its imminent interactions with the......
The Hindu American Foundation on Friday filed a lawsuit against the California State Board of Education in California Superior Court in Sacramento for alleged failure to follow a fair and open......
The list of corporations publishing biographies has lengthened steadily as companies have realised the effectiveness of story telling as a brand building tool. Kanika Datta investigates the......
Successors work hard, and many of them succeed and stay for many years.'But when they don't it is best to be civil and part ways than seek confrontation which might prove acrimonious and......
In terms of sheer numbers, its global operations contributed as much as 58 per cent of the $100 billion (Rs 4.75 lakh crore) group's consolidated revenues in 2011-12. It took Ratan Tata a full......
'How many people have been skilled up and thus able to escape from needing to be in NREGA?' 'The true success of NREGA would lie in its irrelevance -- that is, people no longer need it as a......
Alfred duPont Chandler, Jr. is well known for being one of the first thinkers to successfully incorporate historical understanding of management trends into his analysis, thus providing a sound......