A day after India suffered huge embarrassment, the Central Bureau of Investigation has removed from its list of red corner notice fugitives the name of Wazhul Kamar Khan, who figured in the '50......
Accepting it as a "mistake" and taking "responsibility", Home Minister P Chidambaram on Wednesday said the inclusion of terror accused Wazhul Kamar Khan in the list of most wanted fugitives given......
The Maharashtra Anti Terrorism Squad said on Tuesday that Rs 4 lakh was deposited in the account of Mulund explosion accused Wazhul Kamar Khan, a few months before the blasts in the metropolis......
Stung by blooper in the most wanted list handed over to Pakistan, the Central Bureau of Investigation will carry out an extensive overhaul of its Interpol division with an essential quarterly......
Following the death of Osama bin Laden, India hastily sent a list of most wanted terrorists to Pakistan hoping to build up pressure on them. But much to the embarrassment of the Union home......