The Uttar Pradesh government has challenged the order of a court in Meerut that acquitted all 40 people accused in a case related to the 1987 Maliana massacre, in which 63 people died. IMAGE:......
Hours after targeting the prestigious Rajdhani Express, armed Maoists stormed a government toll plaza in Bihar's Gaya district, killing two people and looting weapons, a top officer said on......
The party hopes that the multiple road projects, schools, canals, and water projects which have come up in the Meo-Muslim-dominated area will be able to sway the votes in its favour. Thirumoy......
Showing exemplary professionalism, a TV anchor read out the breaking news of her husband's death in a road accident in Chhattisgarh staying composed in her moment of grief. Chief Minister Raman......
Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil, the Taliban foreign minister when the Indian Airlines plane, IC-814, was hijacked from Kathmandu to Kandahar in December 1999, tells JyotiMalhotra that India should not look......