Widespread rains lashed parts of Tamil Nadu on Thursday, prompting authorities to declare a holiday for schools in Chennai and many other districts. IMAGE: Tamil Nadu deputy Chief Minister......
Several parts of Chennai reeled under a sudden power outage due to a fire incident which caused sequential faults on both feeders at the Manali substation in Chennai. IMAGE: Kindly note that this......
If only you had thought ahead, you would have stocked snacks and biscuits, bread and cake, and vegetables suited for Amma or pondatti to make your favourite bajji and pakoda, observes N Sathiya......
Torrential overnight downpour threw normal life out of gear in several parts of the metropolis and neighbouring districts, even as the Marina Beach locality recorded a whopping 30 cm of rain.......
Tamil Nadu continued to experience monsoon fury, with heavy rains pounding various parts of the state under the influence of a well marked low pressure area over Bay of Bengal, as the death toll......