Markets bucked early trends and ended on a flat note, as buying resumed in select PSU and banking stocks. The Sensex opened near the day's low of 17,856 and gained strength in morning trades. The......
Following Thursday's strong rally, and upbeat Asian counterparts, our markets began the day on a positive. The Sensex opened marginally higher at 17,668, and displayed extremely firm trend......
The markets, after a soft start, soon jumped into the positive terrain and gained from strength-to-strength as the day progressed. Taking cues from the Chinese markets, the Metal stocks led the......
The Sensex has gained 1000 points in the last seven trading day. Late buying in capital goods and energy scrips helped the Sensex to shed its sluggishness and gain momentum towards the end on......
The Indian markets ignored the lower than expected IIP numbers and ended with modest gains. The Sensex opened on a flat note taking cues from the Asian markets. The BSE benchmark index pared its......