Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Praveen Togadia has been informally appointed to head of the outfit, VHP president Ashok Singhal said on Thursday."The decision to informally hand over the reins of VHP......
Allahabad high court judge Justice Shekhar Yadav, whose speech at a Vishwa Hindu Parishad event in December kicked up a controversy, has opted out of a seminar on the Ram temple movement in the......
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has hit out at the Opposition for initiating impeachment notices against Rajya Sabha chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar and Allahabad high court's Justice......
The Consulate General of India in Toronto on Thursday said it is cancelling some of its scheduled consular camps after the Canadian security authorities conveyed their inability to provide minimum......
Voters in Muslim-dominated Nuh in Haryana have made the Congress victorious in all three assembly seats in the district, with one of the contestants registering the highest victory margin. IMAGE:......
The Central Board of Film Certification has directed the makers of the Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Pathaan to implement 'changes' in the movie, including its songs, CBFC Chairperson Prasoon Joshi said......