Economic offender Narendra Kumar Rastogi was on Friday extradited from the United States to India to face charges in a custom duty evasion case to the tune of Rs 54 crore for exporting scrap to......
Virendra Rastogi, wanted by the Central Bureau of Investigation in the multi-crore duty drawback scam, has been arrested in London and charged by the police with preventing the course of......
Three Indian-origin businessmen who swindled banks in Britain and the United States of more than 300 million pounds by pretending to run a worldwide metal trading empire have been sentenced to......
FERA (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act) accused Ravindra Rastogi, who was deported from Dubai recently, has been denied bail by a Delhi court saying there was a possibility of him absconding if......
Clarendon Parker Middle East, a Dubai-based staffing solutions company which recently entered India through its joint venture with Mumbai-headquartered Rite Choice Consultants, is upbeat about its......
In a major success, the Central Bureau of Investigation managed to secure deportation of Dubai-based Ravindra Rastogi and brought him to the country in connection with the Rs 171 crore (Rs 1.71......