The Hyderabad police has arrested the most-wanted militant Viqaruddin Ahmad, along with six other accomplices, from the city. Viqaruddin has been wanted in connection with the three attacks on......
Vicky Nanjappa reveals what a dreaded fugitive told the police. Viqaruddin Ahmed, who was arrested in Hyderabad recently, is a prize catch not only for the Andhra Pradesh police but also for......
In what can be called as one of the biggest catches for the Hyderabad police, Viqarruddin Ahmedhas been finaly netted. Also Read: Hyderabad police captures elusive Viqaruddin Viqar, who as per the......
Even as the investigations into the firing incident has just commenced, the Hyderabad police is suspecting the involvement of a man named Viqaruddin, who has been on the run for the last three......
Five alleged terror operatives, including founder of local militant group Tehreek-Ghalba-e-Islam Viqaruddin Ahmed alias Viqar, were shot dead by police on Tuesday while they were trying to escape......