Vikram Bhatt's Hate Story lead actress Paoli Dam recently connected with her fans on Rediff Chat. After grabbing eyeballs with a sexually explicit promo of the film, the actress, who's done some......
After Hate Story, the film about a woman who becomes a sex worker to get even with the man who wronged her, Paoli Dam is embarking upon yet another film with a bold subject.......
'I don't think the promo of Hate Story 2 has sex in it. It has everything you look for in a high voltage drama. The problem with our country is that we only highlight the titillating......
Bengali actress Paoli Dam is making her Bollywood debut with Vikram Bhatt's Hate Story. While there'd been mild buzz about this newbie, the trailer of the film has really kicked it up......
Hate Story 3 is *not* an erotic thriller, warns Prasanna D Zore. Vishal Pandya's Hate Story 3, starring Sharman Joshi, Zarine Khan, Karan Singh Grover and Daisy Shah, fails miserably to......