Former Andhra Pradesh chief minister Chandrababu Naidu, who has embarked on a padyatra to revive his sagging political career, should ready for some tough questions from the rural popuation, says......
A 75-year-old nun in Bengaluru brings those neglected by the stigma of leprosy back into mainstream society. Vicky Nanjappa reports. Sister Mary Mascarenhas's affectionate demeanour and......
The defamation suit was filed by Indian Police Service officer, Hemanth Nimbalkar, reports Vicky Nanjappa. The Karnataka high court on Wednesday issued a notice to former Lokayukta Justice......
There have been a lot of incidents involving educated terrorists, but off late, the trend of rising self-motivated groups is becoming a cause of growing concern, says Vicky NanjappaThe case of......
Keeping the Lok Sabha polls in mind, the Congress has chalked out a strategy in which all regions in Andhra Pradesh will remain happy, reports Vicky Nanjappa. It came as a major surprise for the......
India's biggest worry is that this money is being extensively used for terror related activities, writes Vicky Nanjappa. The parliament was recently informed that three institutes selected by the......
Campaign targeted the critically important infrastructure of engineering firms, government organisations, banks and universities in the Middle East, says's Vicky Nanjappa. During the......
As over 300,000 security personnel are needed for the upcoming general elections, Home Ministry sources tell Vicky Nanjappa it would be virtually impossible to guard the numerous stadia during the......
This amount includes the betting between bookies and also the money spent on spot-fixing. The average amount spent on each IPL game is between Rs 600 crores and Rs 800 crores. For the semi-finals......