The 11th season of Indian Film Festival in Los Angeles (IFFLA) opened with Gangs Of Wasseypur -- the first part of Anurag Kashyap's ambitious two-part gangster saga. The director, who attended the......
Raja Sen feels Chittagong is an important film despite its shortcomings."Bharat chhod! Bharat chhod!" The fury of the quit-India chant is what stands out the most in Bedabrata Pain's inevitably......
A look at the top tweets from your favourite Bollywood celebrities: Chandra Barot's stylish 1978 action-thriller Don completed 37 years on April 20. The day was suitably marked with nostalgia......
Amit Sahni Ki List falters on many counts, says Paloma Sharma.Five minutes into the film and you just know that Amit Sahni ki List is nothing you've ever seen before for a very simple reason --......