The Sensex on Tuesday opened at 17,063 but soon slipped into the negative zone tracking weak global cues. The index moved sideways and exhibited lacklustre movement for most part of the trading......
The Sensex opened with a negative gap of 144 points at 16,227 on negative cues from the global markets.Unabated selling in capital goods, financial and technology stocks saw the index drop to a low......
The Sensex opened with a positive gap of 53 points at 16,270. After the initial volatility the index advanced to a high of 16,310 in early morning trades.The index, however, could not hold gains......
The Sensex opened with a bang at 15,326 - up 493 points - on positive cues from the global markets after the US Fed cut interest rates by 75 basis points. The index touched a high of 15,467 in......
After opening with a positive gap of 125 points at 20,103, the Sensex touched an all-time intra-day high of 20,238 before slipping into negative zone in early trades. The index, thereafter,......