The Sensex opened with a positive gap of 130 points at 16,611. The index moved in a narrow range of 169 points - low of 16,611, and a high of 16,779. The Sensex finally ended with a gain of 258......
The Sensex opened with a positive gap of 53 points at 16,270. After the initial volatility the index advanced to a high of 16,310 in early morning trades.The index, however, could not hold gains......
After opening 58 points higher at 9,359, the Sensex touched a low of 9,329 in opening trades. The index, thereafter, displayed firm movement throughout the day. Metal and capital goods stocks led......
The Sensex opened with a negative gap of 228 points at 10,455 following negative cues from the global markets. Unabated selling in banking, metal, realty and technology stocks saw the index slip......
The Sensex opened with a positive gap of 173 points at 14,215. The index touched a high of 14,221, and soon slipped into the negative zone. The index rebounded and thereafter exhitbited lacklustre......