The Sensex opened 31 points higher at 17,404. Though it went a bit higher to 17,414, the higher levels could not be sustained. The index slipped into the negative zone, losing 143 points. The......
The markets opened on bright note on Thursday morning after a holiday on Wednesday, however the joys were shortlived as the markets came tumbling down towards the close. The US markets ended on a......
Mirroring subdued global cues, the Indian bourses opened on a flat note with the Sensex quoting at 17,073 levels. The US markets ended lackluster with Dow Jones closing at 10,564 levels, higher by......
The Sensex, after last weeks 9% rally, opened up 109 points at 14,854, on the back of positive cues from the global markets. The index thereafter surged to a high of 15,209 - up 464 points. The......
The Sensex has began Samvat on a optimistic note, hoping for better returns following a dismal Samvat 2064, in which the index collapsed over 55%. The index opened with a positive gap of 447 points......