When its founder Raghunandan Kamath took a calculated risk, his Bollywood customers backed him all the way, Rohith Potti and Pooja Bhula says in this excerpt from Intelligent Fanatics Of......
Packed frozen 'paratha' is not 'roti or chapatti' as it requires further cooking before consumption and despite wheat flour being the 'common thread' there are other ingredients used in making......
The controversy over the goods and services tax (GST) rate on food products refuses to die. Now, the Gujarat-based authority of advance rulings (AAR) has ruled that 'parathas' would attract 18 per......
While the brand did step into cities such as Delhi in the last few years, it is now stitching up an expansion strategy aimed at partaking of growth in areas where consumption of ice cream remains......
The cola major hopes to break into new categories, but faces a stiff fight from dairy and non-cola brands such as Amul, Dabur and Paper Boat When Coke announced the launch of its flavoured milk......