Despite falling short of majority, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in Uttarakhand on Wednesday began efforts to form the government with its senior leaders trying to establish contact with......
Ruling Bharatiya Janata Party on Tuesday sprang a surprise and was on set to emerge as the single largest party in Uttarakhand bagging 20 seats and leading in 12 more, notching a wafer-thin lead......
Political parties may campaign against corruption and criminality, but it's the selection of candidates for the upcoming assembly polls that tells the real story. In all, 19 per cent of the......
Political parties may campaign against corruption and criminality, but it's the selection of candidates for the upcoming assembly polls that tells the real story. In all, 19 per cent of the......
In Uttarkhand, 71 per cent of the MLAs (50 of 70 analysed) are graduates and have higher qualification and 27 per cent have criminal records, according to a report by the Association for Democratic......