As many as 64.64 crore voters exercised their franchise in the Lok Sabha polls held earlier this year with women voters outnumbering men, according to statistical data released by the Election......
The Election Commission on Thursday asked its Delhi chief electoral officer to probe the Aam Aadmi Party's complaints against Bharatiya Janata Party leader Parvesh Verma and allegations of......
Polling for all 70 assembly seats in Delhi will be held on February 5 as a triangular contest is on the cards with the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Congress aiming to halt the Aam Aadmi Partry......
A 23-year-old Dalit woman was found dead in Mainpuri with her family on Wednesday alleging she was killed as she refused to vote in favour of the Samajwadi Party in the Karhal assembly bypoll.......
At least five police personnel were suspended and many others removed from poll duty in Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday for flouting Election Commission guidelines and stopping electors from casting......