The Allahabad high court Friday declared the Uttar Pradesh Board of Madarsa Education Act, 2004, "unconstitutional" and violative of the principle of secularism, and asked the state government to......
The State has a vital interest in ensuring quality education, other than religious teachings, at government-aided madrasas so that students live a "decent" life after they pass out, the Supreme......
Observing secularism means to 'live and let live', the Supreme Court on Tuesday said regulating madrasas was in the national interest as several hundred years of the nation's composite culture......
In a breather to about 17 lakh madrasa students, the Supreme Court on Friday stayed an order of the Allahabad high court that scrapped the Uttar Pradesh Board of Madarsa Education Act, 2004 calling......
Terming the Right to Education Act as an "attack" on the sovereignty of madarsas and other minority institutions, Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband on Thursday said it will oppose it. "The......