'Zund makes one sit up and wonder why we have allowed ourselves to be played like pawns by power mongers,' says Neeta Kolhatkar.Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/Rediff.com Zund, in Marathi, means......
'She exists alongside Sita, the archetype of the ideal woman,' notes Arundhuti Dasgupta. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/Rediff.com What is love? This question, Google informs us, was the most searched......
The fuss around Valentine's Day would always make me wonder: why on earth do couples celebrate a day named after a saint they did not even know?Every Valentine's Day brought with it the usual......
One of our most demanding editors looked up her list and sent me to do a story on young models in Mumbai. After fixing a time with one of the hot male models in the circuit, I waited for him to......
One of these days, I am going to click on a dirty email in my Bulk folder that promises, apart from unimaginable virility, 'discreet Prozac at never-before prices'. This is the season the wily St......
Chances of staying true to your goals tend to be high when you don't lose sight of what you set out to achieve, advises Arun Thukral, MD & CEO, Axis Securities.Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/Rediff.com......
rediff.com had carried an article on Movie Bloopers. This is what our readers have come up with!Baghban: AmitabhBachchan and Hema Malini are separated rightafter Holi (remember Amitabh singing Hori......
I don't know if it's sacred, but it's a cow alright. I call the game cow-spotting. These days, if it's a film set in India, sooner or later you'll find the cow. Cows holding up traffic are......