The Kerala police on Thursday said they suspect that the unethical loan recovery tactics used by an instant loan app's management may have led to the suicide of a four-member family in Ernakulam......
The weaker rupee will push the country's import bill due to higher payments for crude oil, coal, vegetable oil, gold, diamonds, electronics, machinery, plastics, and chemicals, economic think tank......
Private sector banks that announced their earnings for the October-December quarter (Q3) of 2024-25 (FY25) reported a rise in credit costs due to higher provisions, mainly for unsecured retail......
Bank of Baroda, a state-owned bank, in its quarterly update on Friday said its domestic deposits grew 9.23 per cent year-on-year (Y-o-Y) in October-December (Q3FY25) at Rs 11.65 trillion, while......
Sebi had issued norms to bring clarity on the on boarding of accredited investors, however, the certification for the same have not picked up much. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ Around Rs 1......
Shares of state-owned bank stocks were under pressure on Monday due to muted deposit and credit growth numbers reported by these lenders in the October-December quarter (Q3) of 2024-25 (FY25).......