The National Investigation Agency on Sunday searched the Noida residence of Delhi University associate professor Hany Babu Musaliyarveettil Tharayil, arrested in connection with the Bhima Koregaon......
A detained US scientist, who played a key role in India's Chandrayaan mission in finding evidence of water on the Moon, had sought to sell top US secrets to Israel for a sum of US$ 2 million,......
Sandisk Corporation, the global leader in flash memory cards for digital cameras and maker of the Micro SD cards widely used in mobile telephones, is now getting bullish on the growing rural market......
Removable drives like thumb drives, universal serial bus and pen drives are the new home of malware in India with infected drives spreading around 39 per cent of the total web threats in the......
My colleague asked me the other day if I wanted to watch Slumdog Millionaire. I declined saying I would watch it on the big screen. Did she have a pirated DVD, I asked. Well, sort of, she said.......
Hyderabad has emerged as the movie capital of India, having bought the maximum number of movie VCDs and DVDs-- ranging from Telugu, Hindi love stories to international comedies. Besides, they......
Enterprise rights management software, which controls access to any information being floated within an organisation, is set to see widespread use. Rakesh Aggarwal is incensed. He works in a......