Retired Karnataka High Court Judge S B Majage was sworn as the state's Upalokayukta at a brief ceremonyat theRaj Bhavan in Bengaluru. The Upalokayukta post had been lying vacant for seven months.......
The Aam Aadmi Party government on Friday told the Delhi high court that it has initiated the process to appoint Lokayukta, a post which has remained vacant since November 2013. An affidavit by......
Pulling up the Bharatiya Janata Party government for "inordinate delay" in appointing the lokayukta, Karnataka high court on Monday warned it would write to the governor that there is a......
Former Supreme Court Judge, Shivaraj V Patil who took over as the Karnataka Lokayukta has a tough road ahead. He comes in at a time when the mining report by former Lokayukta Justice Santhosh......