Retired judge Surendra Kumar Yadav, who gave the verdict in the high-profile Babri mosque demolition case last year, took oath as an 'up-lokayukta in Uttar Pradesh on Monday. As a judge of special......
The Bharatiya Janata Party in Karnataka on Sunday claimed that the Lokayukta probe cleared the party's previous government from 40 percent commission charges, and that the allegations levelled by......
The wait continues for the naming of a new Uttar Pradesh lokayukta as a meeting on Sunday to decide on the same failed to do so with the Allahabad high court chief justice questioning the validity......
Former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati's close confidante Naseemuddin Siddiqui, who was a key minister with multiple portfolios during her five-year rule, will soon be under the Central......
Evidence of several irregularities have been detected in the transfer of 14 sites by the Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) to B M Parvathi, the wife of Karnataka Chief Minister......
Kannada film Breaking News is an average entertainer, writes Srikanth Srinivasa.Radhika Pandit and Ajay Rao, who worked wonders together in Shashank's Krishnan Love Story, are back with director......