Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday accused the Opposition parties of trying to divide society, saying what Mughal ruler Babur's army did in Ayodhya and Sambhal is what is......
Whenever tenures of army chiefs were extended in the recent past, prime ministers were subsequently eased out of office by the same army chief, notes Rana Banerji, who headed the Pakistan desk at......
The two leaders had a complex relationship yet formed a partnership and even after their parting of ways, the two admired each other in their efforts for India's freedom. These facts need to be......
Newly formed United Muslim National Army suspected to have played a key role in the recent ethnic violence in Assam is likely to be linked to Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence. Vicky Nanjappa......
With the situation improving in violence-hit districts of Assam, refugees have started returning home with the state government setting an August 15 deadline for all displaced persons to return.......
The Kapoor family kept their date with Ganpati visarjan in Mumbai on Thursday. Rishi, Randhir, Rajeev and Ranbir undertook the journey, which started at the RK Studio in Chembur, a......
'As you sow so shall you reap,' goes the popular saying. If only a farmer's life was so uncomplicated. The history of their harassment is as relevant today as it was yesterday inspiring......