Bihar lawmaker and Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav threw paper confetti at Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan on Friday when she refused to entertain his request for......
Noting that above 70 per cent of recruits in civil services are from technical streams, a parliamentary committee on Thursday said the allurement to become a civil servant is perhaps adversely......
16,933 candidates have qualified UPSC's civil services preliminary examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission, the results of which were declared today in a record 50-day time.......
Not satisfied with the changes announced by the government in the Union Public Service Commission exam, scores of civil services aspirants on Monday vowed to continue their fight for......
English marks in the Civil Service Aptitude Test-II will not be included for gradation or merit and 2011 candidates may get a second chance to appear for the test next year, the government......