The Congress on Saturday accused the Centre of insulting Dr Manmohan Singh, the country's first Sikh prime minister, by carrying out his last rites at the Nigambodh Ghat instead of a designated......
Even as the dust settles on one election, glory in Thiruvananthapuram has come with a new question on the horizon: Who will be UDF's candidate in the next Lok Sabha election given Shashi Tharoor......
The government is still waiting for a clear reply from iPhone maker Apple on iPhone alert sent to Opposition political leaders around five months back on alleged hacking of their devices by......
Thousands of people participated in a mass rally organised by the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee in solidarity with the Palestinian people in this northern district of the state on Thursday.......
'The concept of an MP IPL team is the brainchild of Kamal Nath.''If the Congress government comes to power in the state, he will assemble an IPL team for MP with the assistance of his business......
Several factors have held India back. One is DoT policy somersaults and lack of clarity on whether to or not to ban Chinese gear makers. IMAGE: Kindly note that this image has been posted for......
Pensioners, India Inc may get tax breaks in Budget The political message of Union Budget 2018-19 is expected to be consolidating the gains from the big-ticket changes of the past three years......
The Mumbai terror attacks would hit foreign investors' confidence and slow down foreign direct investmentinflow into the country, former UN Under Secretary General Shashi Tharoor said. Though the......
Terming India a country of 'extreme paradoxes' with 48 'dollar billionaires' on the one hand and 260 million below poverty line people on the other, former top UN official Shashi Tharoor has said a......
FormerIndian Premier League (IPL) commissioner Lalit Modiin his first full interview since his suspension as commissioner of the Twenty20 league in April believes he is innocent and is confident of......
Controversial and high-profile Lalit Modi was suspended late Sunday night as IPL commissioner for alleged "individual misdemeanours" capping fortnight-long dramatic developments that opened a can......