'A senior US diplomat last week asked me when things will go back to normal. I had to tell her that if normalcy meant getting back these perks, it is not going to happen for a very long time, if......
The media had a bonanza with puns and witticisms when a few alleged misdeeds of our diplomats came to light recently. One newspaper called the IFS 'the fallen service' while another added......
New text is "ambitious and balanced", says French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius The global climate summit in Paris agreed a landmark accord on Saturday, setting the course for a......
The new agreement, will be negotiated and once it is sealed it will also be judged Starting Monday, 196 countries shall attempt to achieve what they failed to do in 2009 — sign a new global......
Durban will create climate apartheid, under which rich polluters evade responsibility, but underprivileged people suffer the worst effects of climate change for which they are least responsible,......
COP 21 is about how much carbon space is left and who gets how much of that space The world has used up two-thirds of its carbon space for a 2-degrees-Celsius temperature rise, consumed 35 per......
India caved in to a bad deal at Copenhagen, says Praful Bidwai. By sealing the so-called Copenhagen Accord with the United States, the BASIC grouping (Brazil, South Africa, India and China) has......