Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will contest from his traditional Budhni seat, while his cabinet colleague Narottam Mishra will be in the fray from Datia as the Bharatiya Janata......
The Centre on Monday decided to run 100 special trains daily for migrants during the coronavirus lockdown and asked the states to ensure that they avail the facility, as lakhs of stranded people......
Details on the Swadheen Bharat Vidhik Satyagrah aka Swadheen Bharat Subhash Sena, the outfit responsible for the violence that claimed 24 lives in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, including that of two......
Abhijit Sarkar is very angry with Mayawati, the powerful chief minister of Uttar Pradesh. Sarkar is Saharashri Subrata Roy's most trusted confidant and longtime strategist. A veteran of many a......